Bedlam Blog: Oklahoma State Caps Bedlam with a 27-24 Win over Oklahoma

XB is on fire

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Glad he’s back in

Another 3rd and long given up

Gotta stop the 3rd and long.


Nope. Math still off. We need a 35 point lead to breathe


Yea we need to stop that s%it

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Well……OU’s kicker does suck. Hopefully we can hold them to a FG attempt and pray he misses or it gets blocked.

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Right. It’s like Bill Young is coaching our secondary.

Game plan has been working so far. The only way this game is winnable is to keep OU offense off the field.


We gotta find a way to get some running consistency with OG in the second half. We need to eat up clock and give the defense some rest. I think the short passing game has been doing just fine though.


GD defense

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I’m liking the instant boos every time stoops touches the ball

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Someone needs to let Drake Stoops know that N’Sync died in the 90’s.


We’re losing a lot of momentum right now. Don’t need to start a punting war against OU.

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Yes things are waning. We need to buck up

Topped off with a phantom flush. Even the deep shot was a great pass, perfectly thrown, but well covered. Come on Bowman. Stay sharp!

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Yeah, losing field position. Hopefully OU still keeps up with the butterfingers

OU is about to take the lead.

missing tackles

Just forced ONE fourth down. One!!!

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