Daily Bullets (Jan. 10): Cowboy Basketball = _____ Football, Gundy in Sugar

Originally published at: https://pistolsfiringblog.com/daily-bullets-jan-10-cowboy-basketball-_____-football-gundy-in-sugar/

I love watching Gundy on the national title game coverage. The last time he did it, he hired one of his co-host’s coordinators. Bullets Rundown • Cowboy Basketball as a college football program • Mississippi State disagrees with Gundy’s social media take • Here’s to Gundy covered in Sugar next January OSU Bullets • I loved this question in the reader mailbag – what football program does Cowboy Basketball most compare to? All that to say, I think the CFB comp here is — are you ready for this — Texas. It’s Texas! Elite in the late 1990s and early 2000s with an all-time great coach and haven’t been good — even though they’ve wanted badly to be good — since then. They wandered a lot leading up to Mack Brown, and you have to go back to the 1950s and 60s with Darrel Royal to find a time of sustained success. That’s a mildly different timeline than OSU hoops, but the concept still applies. The part that doesn’t work is GIA vs. DKR Stadium. DKR is not very good. I’ve been there several times, and it just kind of stinks. GIA does not stink (as we all know). But…