Originally published at: https://pistolsfiringblog.com/daily-bullets-june-4-pokes-drop-regional-final-to-close-season/
Thanks for stopping by – here’s your daily dose of Oklahoma State sports news. Scores Baseball: Florida 4, Cowboys 2 OSU Bullets • Cowboys stranded tons of runners and lost a record-tying third straight Regional that they hosted to Floriday yesterday (PFB) • Recapping OSU’s men’s golf season (O’Colly) • CBS Sports makes the case why OSU being picked seventh for the Big 12 title is majorly undervaluing the Cowboys (CBS Sports) • A four-star forward in the 2024 class is visiting Stillwater (PFB) • Tough times at O’Brate – as tough as a team won the Big 12 Tournament and hosted three years of Regionals could find: Josh Holliday used the word “raw” after #OKState‘s loss in their regional. The Cowboys were clearly gutted by their season coming to an end. Holliday was asked about losing at home in three straight regionals and why they’ve struggled at home. pic.twitter.com/yABlIaVU1F — Dylan Buckingham (@DylanBuckingham) June 4, 2024 Non-OSU Bullets • Does biweekly mean twice a week or twice a month? • Seven unique summer vacation ideas
Most of our spring programs had seasons end with a whimper. Men’s golf. Women’s golf. Women’s tennis. Softball. Baseball.
But, if you think about it, each program progressed farther along than, say, the second round of the NCAA basketball tournament. They were THERE. They just underperformed once there. And that’s difficult for fans, but 10x more difficult for the athletes and coaches.
I like where we are at in all the programs. Let’s backslap the seniors and bring in the newbies and get better next year!