Five Thoughts on Oklahoma State's 91-62 Victory against Oakland

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The Cowboys emphatically bounce back.

Now that’s more like it

Yea i couldn’t listen to it, i followed on stats.
It work out in the end. Looking at the stats you would think this was a real team.

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I went back look at some stats. Rangel had alot more going for him. We only had 1 flag, i think that was on defense. Twice the yards on rushing. Not playing a top ten defense. They both need more game time.

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Wrong sport, sir. This is hoops. Haha!

Hope this team jells into a tournament team. I like Boynton, good recruiter , coaching is still suspect to me. I hope I’m bad wrong

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I know but got kicked off that stream. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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I did like how he close out the havles. Cany have any like last game.

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The ESPN+ announcers were homers for sure, but very educational. Most of their comments were a critique of what Oakland needed to do to get back in the game. But one of the announcers, who used to be an assistant coach at Mich State recalled when he met Bryce Thompson and his parents on a recruiting visit to Sparty town. He also gushed all over Harris when he heated up with his 3-point shooting, lamenting on his bad luck injuries, but also called out his infectious positive attitude and smile all the while he was recovering over the past two years.


How’s you get kicked off?! I gotta hear this story.

Somebody has made me a new member so on some post it tells me i cant post any more.

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I don’t understand that :joy::joy: how the hell does that happen

Not sure. I guess because ive been to mean lol

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We should’ve just paid Underwood.

Eight million !! That’s a load for him. I never really liked him, he always seemed to talk out of both sides of his mouth. He proved that in the end

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I like the way he wins basketball games, though.

You got canceled.

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Oh there is the lil one you wake up from your 2 today drunk fest. You out celebrating another winning season. You and jug must be over the moon

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That’s true he wins games, has recruited well although I’ve read stories of a chit load of illegal things he does. If he was still here doing anything like that, the nazis would enjoy investigating us again

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No word from gumball or jug after a win this week, they are crying I guess :joy::cowboy_hat_face:

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