Journalism and the Future

Spot on post.

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I think what PFB has going is a great model. I would love some more merch, but how they offer articles for free (with ads) and have a forum-fee I hope is sustainable.

I’m considering paying for the Athletic now that they cover multiple sports teams I follow and post nearly daily about each one of them. But I do hate how every article is behind a paywall.

I recently discovered Matt Brown and ExtraPoints and I hate how every other post is behind a paywall ($7/mo; $70/yr). Although I love the articles and type of content, there’s just too little of it (one post/day) to justify paying nearly the same as PFB. I do hope Matt can find a way to make it cheaper or provide more worth.


All that said, I think it would be fun to see something similar to the mailbag on PFB where every once in a while they have an op-ed from PFB+ member submissions or guest writers (like Matt Brown).

They actively avoid covering Oklahoma State, it seems.

That aside. Besides, I’ve got PFB.

Big12, CFB, Manchester City, Thunder…

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My concern with paywalls for content is that it will even further reinforce the “I only hear what I want to hear” mindset. For me, that concern relates more to news/politics than sports. In sports, I pretty much want just what I want. For news and politics, seeing a wider range of perspectives is much more important.

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Agreed. It will also increase the gap between wealthy and poor. The internet was fantastic because it was free and open access to content. I’m not so sure now. Good content deserves a pay day but costs money, unfortunately for the reader.

I disagree. They are there, its just buried and needs to be brought to the surface with some good TLC. Additionally, they don’t realize it is there either.