Oklahoma A&M Board of Regents Accepts OSU President Kayse Shrum's Resignation

Do you really think Dr Shrum was fired because she wouldn’t fire Gundy. Why would she die on that hill?

@jeff42 This could be one of the dumbest, most idiotic posts ive ever seen on here. And as a frequent consumer of this site over the last 6 years…thats saying something. Presidents, whether they have a ballsack or not, dont hire or fire Football Coaches. They certainly dont choose to resign supposedly two months after the season is over because of a football coach. If anything, I can see her WANTING him fired, but didnt have the support. There is no way in hell that IF a Board of Regents wanted a football coach gone, that a President could stop it. And comical that you act like shes a lowly, no talent “woman” in one post…but somehow shes apparently got enough stroke to stop a Coup?? Ignorant


Well said

The Board of regents at OU voted 4-2 to fire John Blake on November 22, 1998.

@chris5 Board of Regents have final say on everything. But in that particular case, OU was without an actual AD. They had one by title in Steve Owens, but that was in more of a fund-raising/PR thing and it only lasted a hanful of months. Maybe a little more. The BOR vote on things like that, but in most cases they stay out of the business of hiring/firing.

I don’t think you have a clue.

@jeff42 Well if you think a University was going to fire a football coach…and then some ol woman who didnt have enough backbone…somehow veto’d it…then that makes no sense. Shes scared to fire Gundy…but has the backbone to stand up to an entire University? That doesnt make sense

Why would she resign…if she got her way?
Why would they keep Gundy if Shrum is no longer here? Why cant they fire him now that the scared woman is gone?

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I don’t know, maybe things don’t work the way you think they work.

Because he would rather make things up and rationalize it as the truth rather than actually wait for more information to become revealed.

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Is there a chance I’m right?

I get that, but like you said the BOR is very powerful and if they wanted a coach gone, it would happen.

Or are going to do exactly what you’re accusing me of saying I’m wrong befor more facts come out lol.

Things within a University work pretty similar, across the board. And for you to say in one sentence that this President is scared…and then the next that shes running the show…cant be true. Both of those cannot be true. Even if for some reason OSU was allowing one person to call this shot…

So I ask you…why did she resign if she got her way?
Why is Gundy still employed if the sole person responsible for keeping him is now gone?


I said you made it up.


I agree. If the entire BOR wants a coach gone…hes gone. I havent said otherwise. Im saying that time period in OU was the exception to the rule. The reasn it was solely up to the BOR was becuase they had no AD

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I would agree with you. This dude is speaking out of his butt

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There’s a much bigger chance that you are a misogynistic nut ball who thinks universities are run by the athletic department. OSU total budget is much bigger than the sports department. Do you know how to use Google?

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For you to say in one sentence that anyone running a show can not be scared enough to make one of the biggest decisions that would effect not only the university and her image is ignorance.

I do know how to use google but I don’t base my knowledge on it.

If you do use Google than search Oklahoma State University total revenue. That will show you that their operating revenue was a lot higher than the athletic budget.

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