Originally published at: https://pistolsfiringblog.com/oklahoma-state-offers-top-junior-college-running-back-tiyon-evans/
Evans is the No. 3 player in all of junior college football.
At this point in time OSU looks to be the best school who has offered.
Why are we having such a hard time bringing in RB’s? It seems that the last couple of years we’ve hardly gotten a sniff from top (or any) recruits. What’s the deal?
My guess would be playing time behind Chuba, but we have gotten decent ones, just not the over the top ones (since Chuba).
We’ve been seeing a trend here. We did bring in D. Glass, but other than that, it’s been juco’s and walk-on’s.
Don’t worry about it! Recruiting is not that important or Gundy would be out of a job.