OSU Football: Previewing the Second Leg of the Cowboy's Big 12 Slate

U really r a broken record. Get off this site go to norman or better Alabama
Ur obsession with championships will not be filled by anyone but them.
I know after a few years as goon fan u would be going on and on about how riley suck no new offense
U bring nothing to the table except pointing out 2 things. Ur just a wannabe. A wannabe somebody.

You think averaging 4th is the best this program can do! And you call me a bad fan.

U r a bad fan. I have no problem saying out loud.
Football is a competitive sport. The big 12 is competitive. There r some with advantages.
In ur reality these things are minimal.

All sports are competitive you moron and someone always has an advantage but that’s no reason to settle for mediocre.

Ur the one settling.
I know for a fact that r numbers have gotten better the last 3 yrs.
Ur big on what other poeple( the media) n they have said last year was gundy best coaching job. With all that happen it was.
U problem is u can see the improvements because ur fixed on results.
Every program that u mention have had downs r downs arnt as low as theirs.
Look at ksu they were rolling lost qb and they were none. We had the same events back gundy had a better back up freshman qb.
So I dnt see anybody settling but u.

This is the most convoluted string of words I think I’ve ever read.

Thank you logan. Always nice to see ur post with out jr high saying like paste eater.
We got a big month for recuriting.
Any way we got bb so and track going on so not worried about football.


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Look away from the mirror 🪞