PFB+ Forum Standings

This could be a blast, or this could be flippin’ stupid.

By popular (blatant lie) demand, here is the start of the PFB+ Posting League. I typed in the users manually sorted by most likes historically, but I had to stop somewhere. So if you want your name up here and don’t see it, type it in.

League Rules :

  • Anyone with this link can edit.
  • If you dock or add someone points, and you care to contribute, bookmark the link and do it yourself.
  • Can’t modify your own points. Have some integrity you crapheads.
  • Max amount of points that can be added or subtracted at any time is 10.
  • Winner at the end of each year gets some stupid prize? Least amount of points gets an even stupider prize?
  • As this goes on (or dies within one week from lack of interest) more columns, ideas, stats, metrics can be added.
  • If you have an idea, throw it out there.
  • Resets ever calendar year?
  • At the end of the year, everyone will get 1 point per ‘X’ amount of likes they have on the PFB forum to add to their running total of completely stupid and arbitrary points. That X should probably be determined at the end of the year, since we have no idea what the engagement will be.

If you have better ideas on how to sort or keep track of this stuff, by all means, go ahead.

I reserve the right to get rid of this thread in a week when I open it and see it has been opened 2 times.


In particular I was struggling with how to log who has been docked/plussed, by whom and for what. Anyone has better ideas, take the wheel.

WTF you start this like 30 minutes after docking me for getting a song stuck in your head. RIGGED


Every successful endeavor starts with a lab rat.

I want a stupid prize

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We need a dundee for the victor


The winner can get a broken $200 plasma TV.


Winner gets a lunch date with Lee at Torchy’s Tulsa :nauseated_face:

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Winner gets a bike tour of every tree in Tulsa with David


Now this is how you get people fighting for a win


■■■■ my “like” numbers aren’t looking too good I guess, tough crowd

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36 days (it’s a lot of trees) of fun, friendship, and learning. Lunch not provided.


Gotta diversify that thread portfolio there to maximize exposure my man.

which…I see you now slumming around with us in the politics thread. attaboy


Is this where we can lodge formal complaints regarding insufficient likes on well-deserving posts?

eff. We’re going to need a commissioner aren’t we.

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I think we need a like per post ranking, I would do much better.


No way, I’m a volume shooter

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Pretty sure only @TheHeadChimp shoots a lower post to like than me but the PFB deep state hates liberals outside of the lawyers


Do they?..


(X-Files Music)

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I spread the most love proportionally speaking, so I win.

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