Please don’t ignore this

I know this is a little late and some of you may have seen this. I’m going to ask the community to put aside any negative feelings you have about me and just watch this young lady’s story. I’ve watched this girl play softball with my sister as they’ve grown up and they were very excited to face each other in college next year. What she’s going through is hard, but the strain of the finances on a family can make it that much harder. I beg you, if you can give anything at all please do. If not that’s fine too. Whatever God, spirit, or karma you believe in I ask that you just keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you all very much in advance. I know we can all put aside any differences to do everything possible for this beautiful young girl and her family! Again, thank you all.


Prayers for her right now.

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Thank you very much! :pray:

Who has negative feelings about you?

Young lady has my prayers.


Not being rude, but that’s not important right now. I just didn’t want people to see my name attached and ignore the message was all. Thank you for your prayers. It means a lot.


Yeah, ummm…other than Scotty’s…”episode”…yesterday, you cool, mane.

Remember, this is where male panties get twisted.

I feel bad for this girl, especially since my wife deals with kids/teens like her from time to time (she works for St. Jude). Will channel positive thoughts.


Thanks chimp. Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated more than you know.

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I like to rag on you for your b-ball vs. football mentality but that’s all in fun and you yourself are great internet people. If there are those that legitimately don’t like you for real, they are very small in number man. Just my personal opinion, don’t think you are on auto ignore or tons of folks have negative thoughts about you. ‘That ain’t true!’

Will pray for both her and her family, and you and yours as well.


Hey HH, I just prayed for Avery and will as she comes to mind in coming days. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you Rook. I hope people really understand I don’t want this about me at all. I just wanted people to take the time to hear her story regardless of the feelings for me. Thank you for the words tho. It’s much appreciated.

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Thank you AZ. The power of prayer is a great thing. I also appreciate your thoughts and prayers on the story. She deserves all the good vibes we can send.


I wanted to say thank you again to all who reached out and donated. Your thoughts, prayers, and generosity has been more than I could have imagined. This is one of the many reasons I love this state, and love this Cowboy family!

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