Suspensions (for the forum, not OSU)

@PVPoke and @TheCraniumMonkey were suspended for 48 hours starting this morning for repeatedly violating No. 3 of our 10 commenting commandments.

3. Debate the argument, not the person: This is a lot easier when you don’t name-call. If you have to ask if what you’re typing is a personal attack on a writer or commenter, it probably is. Don’t be mean or spiteful. , Do be extremely sarcastic.

I don’t want to walk around here doling out suspensions like a 2nd-grade teacher, but for the sake of our (growing and mostly thriving!) community, they’re going to sit out for a bit. Be pros, people. It really shouldn’t be that difficult.


For the record, I self-imposed a one-day timeout on Saturday.


I appreciate the work you guys do here. This is not a place for toxicity and a-holery. We’re not the comment section. The nice thing is that it’s possible to mellow out and change (proof positive here with me). Hopefully they both follow suit.


What a hero you are, sir. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

In all seriousness, we all probably need a breather from here every now and then.


Thanks Kyle! That is the reason I don’t even read the comments in the articles anymore. The Chamber is so much better!

The suspension stocks of The Chamber, I love it.


Not complaining, but the PV ban was a looong time coming. Thanks for your hard work and for making this THE go to site for me.


BTW - props to you for the change in tone. I’ve noticed and appreciate it. I also appreciate the different perspective you and I often bring and seeing where we overlap and disagree.


Preemptively banning myself for two days pre/post Bedlam. Just nip that right in the bud.


Haha. Well done. Just don’t give up on post-Bedlam yet!

Definitely, man. It took me rumbling pretty nastily with one of the two listed in the original post to wake up and realize that this place means more to me than my ego does. I like it here and I love the community we’re building. Disagreement is great if it’s done without malice, so let’s keep that rolling.


This is an unfortunate 48 hours to be suspended… maybe a celebratory reprieve is in order?!


Oh, post Bedlam, yeah. I hope not, but yeah.

Absolutely not.

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I love this so much. Bring on more public shaming!


Just make sure you don’t take the nfl approach and toss the flag on the guy who responds, even if the response punch is harder than the first blow. Otherwise, you’ll have people baiting those they don’t like and who they know will respond.

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Since we’re already talking about some of this and I care about what you guys think. What are everyone’s thoughts on closing the comments section for good and just directing folks to the Chamber for all PFB-related discussion?


Here’s my take. In theory it sounds like a great idea. In theory. In reality, though, closing the comment section and redirecting here would bring the swamp monsters (e.g. spencerwilliams, richardkennedy, OrangeTuono, Usetobe Cowboyfan, the fake Les Miles) here and infect our reasonable discussions. As ugly as this PVPoke/Cowguy situation was, that sort of toxicity would multiply and spread like some kind of filth-borne virus into more threads and cause more fighting. As gross as the comment sections are, they serve a public need - keeping the failed lab experiments in their own petri dish and away from where the dang adults are talking.


I dk, crazy people have money too.

There’s positives and negatives

I am superstitious. I know it is irrational to think that being in my kitchen, rather than watching the 2001 Bedlam game, had a direct impact on the outcome. And yet I have no regrets for watching about 2 total minutes.

Why am I bringing this up? Perhaps Pvpoke and cowguy should be banned during Bryce Thompson’s commitment. Do I want them off the board? Not at all - nothing but love for either of them. I enjoy their insight and passion for the school. And yet it is an UNDENIABLE FACT that during their temporary banishment Cade Cunningham committed. Coincidence? Possibly. But what if it works??

(This post is tongue in cheek)

(I think…)