Originally published at: https://pistolsfiringblog.com/the-rundown-gundy-talks-getting-outcoached-not-being-burnt-out/
Gundy went for about 30 minutes in his Monday news conference.
Looked old and tired to me. He has no fire left in him…We need someone with some fire and energy and wants to hit the road and recuit.
“Sometimes I’m not a very popular guy. It is what it is. But that’s not gonna worry me, I don’t care.”
Of course not. Because half the fan base can’t get their orange shades glued to their face off to see how he really is. This is a dude that’s flirted with other schools just to get more money. Don’t give him another contract extension and be done with the Gundy era please.
I like Gundy. I like his candor. I hope he remains here but I agree that I would not give in to any future demands for a more lucrative contract. If he wants to walk then open the door for him and hire one of the up and coming coaches who has been very successful and wants to move up to a power five school. But it sounds like Gundy is saying he is here to stay until he gets the boot. I would offer the suggestion that he hire a consultant to teach him how to be able to sell OSU to 4 star recruits who initially say no to Gundy. In other words, learn how to sell the program. Boynton is a salesman. Gundy seems like a take it or leave it guy.
Yea he’s a take it or leave it guy alright…he takes your hopes and leaves them on Gaylord field
It’s a shocker his son wants to be coached by him really
“My job is to make sure that we’re getting good effort and we have good game plans and we move forward. “I can tell you this right now, you all think I’m joking, but it’s lonely at the top, man. I’ve done this for a long time. I’m in year 16, and I don’t know why anybody would keep me this many years.
“If game plans aren’t very good, then I have to fix that with the coaches. I didn’t like our concept on Saturday night. We could’ve done a better job of coaching.
Is Gundy saying his approach is to fix the “bad” game plans after the game?
I would think having a bye week and knowing your OL has been regressing every week since the beginning of the season you would ask your coaches what the plans are and if it’s feasible for those plans to work. There’s alway next year!!!