2021 Football Season Thread

Lincoln is still dialing it up on offense though

Wouldn’t it be fun if rankings didn’t exist until after non-conference, and we had some actual evidence to judge how good a team is?


Is KSU actually decent or does Stanford just stink?




If we continue Bedlam after the realignment we need to make it game 1 or 2. The gooners always seem to start slow.


Deuce Vaughn is legit- Thompson is legit- Kstate might be legit


Oh :clap:t3: My :clap:t3: Gosh :clap:t3:

How does a helmet come off that easily. That was…:flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed: in real time.

Which game?

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OU v Tulane

Tulane’s QB is a tough dude. Already back on the field, tucking and running.

Pretty sure his head hit the ground without his helmet on. No one will convince me he doesn’t have a concussion.

I’ve also been drinking since 11 so :man_shrugging:t2:


Anyone looking to dump tickets today?



Kstate looks good…

Homeboy needs to lay off the popcorn on the sidelines.

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Good thing we’re loaded along the DLine, LBs, and safeties. If you can stop Deuce and the QB run game and force them to throw, they are completely screwed. We’ve done that against them the past 2 years and they can’t score on us to save their lives.

I watched for a few minutes in the second, but turned it off after back to back interceptions and subsequent OU field goals. Blech.

Did y’all see that post this morning from OU Student Assoc asking their fans to clap for Tulane scores to show hospitality? So patronizing. In the meantime, fans are all doing “horns down” to the cameras because the current game doesn’t matter to them. :roll_eyes:

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I saw that, lol. Like…you all just staged a reverse coup with your hated rival, but yes, please, give the Horns Down gesture.

Most of those people probably don’t even know they’re going to the SEC. They won’t know until some of their male fans show up in suits bought at thrift stores. And then when you ask them “why do you wear formal clothing to a football game?”, the response is “tRaDiTiOn”.