2024 Football Season - Playoffs or Bust

Is this a troll job or real? Serious question.

As @CarsonCunningham pointed out, these stats are laughable. Didn’t SS run like a 4.4ish early in his career at OSU?

Why on earth would one even attend the combine if you knew your physical shape/readiness wasn’t at least “competitive”? Or, for Spencer’s sake, hopefully this was just a fake stats troll post? :woman_shrugging:

It’s real. But Spencer wasn’t invited to the combine, so these numbers are from the Ole Miss pro-day. These are incredibly disappointing numbers

Weeden’s and Rudolph’s are below for context:


Ok, this one is funny



End is nigh?


News like this makes me nervous and sad.

Nervous because I’m not :100: on where OSU falls in the pecking order so I don’t know how many teams there needs to be in this thing.

Sad because I’ve seen all of the work and excitement that SMU has with finally getting back into a major conference, just to see it possibly implode. They got jobbed in the 80s and they just can’t claw back.

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Punishment was bad and it won’t be issued again, but for all intents and purposes when you’re warned a few times and still pretty much tell the NCAA to FO and you keep it up, then it becomes a case of playing a stupid game and win a stupid prize.


Need Gundy to be the coach whenever this decision is made to give us the best chance


well luckily for you it’d include the existing Power 5 teams (pre 2024 season) + Notre Dame + SMU

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They weren’t doing anything that every other school wasn’t doing. To give such a severe punishment to one school for doing what everyone was doing was excessive, but that’s how the NCAA operates

I don’t have an Athletic account so I didn’t read what they said. But that would make me happy!

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That’s BS. Not every other school was doing this. SMU was over the top and completely out of control.

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If it truly is a complete break away from conferences, smu would be fine. They’re much more desirable right now than a handful of bottom feeders in the SEC / B10 / ACC. I would think at least. And they have money.

Big Ten :eyes:

When that happens you may as well put me on mute for life.

The entire SWC was doing it and they were all doing it at the same rate.
I’m not defending the cheating, but to say they were doing it that much more than everyone else is laughable.
Honestly I’d probably feel the same way about whichever program got slapped with that penalty (with a few exceptions) I just happen to have a connection to SMU.


I hope that if there’s a break off that EVERY program starts from the same spot and the bottom feeder SEC & Big 10 don’t just get in by association.
That would make me much more comfortable with our position.


Goon was giving away cars in the ‘50’s. It’s the entire reason we shake the keys on kickoffs. A lot of teams were doing it. Entire bidding war for Marcus Dupree between Goon and Texas. SMU BE just got caught. If they had never gotten caught, they would have kept doing it. More power to them. It’ll never be a fair fight. Teams will cheat, find loopholes, cover their tracks, and cheat some more. How it’s been forever.


You’re not wrong. However, the difference is that SMU was busted multiple times, they directly lied, and just kept it up. As I said earlier, for all intents and purposes they just told the NCAA to FO and dared them to do something more. Well, be careful what you ask for. Today that’s okay, back then not so fast.

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Eric Dickerson’s gold Trans AM. Lol


The story goes (at least around the O&G people here in Dallas) is that a former governor (SMU alum, big money in O&G) told the alums to stop. However, being a ‘man of his word’, he insisted that they continue to pay the players they had already paid for.

And, don’t forget that Eric Dickerson arrived at SMU (to pick up his check) in a maroon Trans Am.


I’m so sick of pay walls