2024 Football Season - Playoffs or Bust


Thatā€™s pretty much how it was portrayed in the 30 for 30 as well. If any of you havenā€™t seen Pony Excess, you should definitely check it out.

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Well, I was down here while it happened and watched it unfold. My late wife was an accountant at Arthur Young and heard a lot of it from people close to the events.


Seems to me like SMU was just doing what others were doing, but were being a bit flashier, open, and defiant with it. Is that a fair characterization?

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Yep - time for me to re-watch that.

Yes, and when you cross the big boys at ut and tam, you are going to get burned. That happened.


They planned to stop paying for recruits, but they ā€œhad a payroll to keepā€ and thatā€™s what but them

Hate being butten.


That has to be a typo I talked with someone who would definitely know and he said he ran a 4.64ā€¦

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Not sure where to put this.
My constant reading of OSU stories has backfired. The algorithm gave me this gem in my news feed this morning.
This could be the laziest article Iā€™ve ever read, and thatā€™s saying something.

Woah, we agree on something?

I have a very hard time believing he ran what was posted unless he deliberately and intentionally ran slow on purpose. Sanders is without question much faster than the time posted, and I think everyone knows that.


I hate what has become of sanders. Completely his fault but it bugs me all the time. I really thought ND was the turning point for him and weā€™d finally see everything we knew he could become, he was awesome in that game. And tbh he was playing pretty great to begin 2023, and then that stupid 2nd half in Fort Worth just totally derailed everything. Really sad to see what heā€™s become from that point on. Maybe that ND game was actually what ruined him, his head got too big? Idk. He could have been arguably the most memorialized QB in OSU history if he could have kept his ego out of the way. Worst part is through everything he caught himself up in off the field, on the field he gave everything he had for the program every week. I canā€™t think of another player across any sport that has ever played here that has gone from potentially the most storied player in school history (outside of Barry) to public enemy #1 more than him.


When does the transfer portal open again? Are we worried about Korie leaving during this window. Or did we actually lock him down in February?

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I do love how when Gundy was asked the other day about QBs having no success transferring out his response was almost like a ā€œI told you soā€ thing on sanders. ā€œYou know spencer, uhhā€¦. I havenā€™t talked to him since then, I donā€™t know what his thought process would be now, butā€¦ā€¦ anyways, illingworth-ā€œ


Oh man, I need this clip badly

Starts around the 9 minute mark.


Definitely no mistaking where Tramel is in any given photo or video



Recruiting weekend is off to a good start.


To me he is the College QB version of Russell Westbrook.

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Youā€™ve had some outlandish takes, but this one might be one of your worst.