2024 South Side Reseat Process

Just got the email about the reseating for 2024 on the south side. Wondering if any north sisters have insight about the process and how close to your old seats you were able to get. Thanks! Also really like the people we sit by, so not sure how that works.

That’s the part that sucks - losing the people around you that have become friends.

So you have new surrounding people?

Most likely.

We did which sucked at first but the new group was pretty rowdy last year which clicked well with our group.

Yeah, I am not happy about this. This is likely the second time I will be evicted from my seats by OSU. First time was because the familys and recruits moved to our section. We worked our way over to get an aisle so its pretty frustrating to know we are going to lose that.

I have a group on an aisle also. Will suck if we lose that.

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If your section is one affected, basically you don’t have a guarantee you’ll have your same seats. They let folks with higher posse points get first pick. Mine were in the 1st row in 2022 and all the first row folks were displaced

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I was pissed too…then the seats were awesome so I was pretty happy. We been been bounced around three times as well.


That at least gives me hope.

Have you all selected your tickets yet? We were going to add another seat, but the recent letter/email said we could only get the same amount as last year. Hopefully, we’ll be able to keep our same seats, as they’ve been in the family for years. Grandfather first purchased the season tickets in (I believe) 1968.

I paid for mine but haven’t selected specific seats yet. They’re supposed to email about seat selection at some point but I haven’t seen anything.

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I emailed asking when seat selection would take place. The response: “You will get notice of this process sometime in Late April to Mid-May.”

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Man that’s annoying it’s taking so long. I liked my seats too. Knowing my luck I’ll get stuck at the top.

Agree. It sucks.

It’s worth it. Seats are :+1:


I’ll second Dribble here. I’m on the north side in the seats with built-in chairbacks, and it’s a definite improvement. I was on an aisle before the remodel and managed to get on an aisle again, so it worked out pretty well.

My biggest issue is that even though I’m only somewhat vertically challenged, the dude in front of me always turns out to be ~6’6" tall or more. The end zones I can see really well. The area right in front of me, not so much…

I’ve been on an aisle for a long time and hoping for the same.

just was able to reselect and couldn’t get anywhere near our old seats. Previously on row 6. Now in row 15 in the middle section…

In a different area also, and no aisle seat. Looking forward to the mesh seatbacks though.