Auburn, Ole Miss Reportedly in Contact with Spencer Sanders about Transfer

Originally published at:

The SEC is interested in SS.

This has nothing to do with sanders just the portal as it is. Baylor has found how fickle qbs are. Its like our offenses line they want to play. With covid some of our younger guys have found they dnt have that extra year.

It used to be a qb use to not need to play 4 years
1 or 2 was all iy took. Look at corndog. We went want him for 4 years. We really didnt want sanders for 4 years.
Look at max. This is the year he need not the other 3.

Sanders needs that year. Problem is can he do a whole year. Give our back ups another half a year or 9 gamrs os what we need. Not seeing a sophomore have ago at it

Auburn and ole miss will have 3rd year guys. So what will happen. Sander wins the spot they lose their back ups. That have beem starting. Then there racing to replace a qb.
Sander doesnt when his spot and set the bench as a glorified back up. Or like at ksu this year plays gets injured loses his spot.

The ole miss guy will bolt. Same with here i think it finf if ee get a one year guy but any more may see qb leaving

Outside of TCU, I don’t understand why he would go anywhere else to help his draft stock. The major advantage he had here was knowing the system front and back. His ability to improvise was a plus and minus, but at least he knew where his teammates would be. I understand our OL had issues, but all of these guys think the grass is greener, but if everyone is transferring then most OL will be new faces everywhere you go.

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Quite honestly, I don’t care where any quitters go. I would be fine with a simple set statement when they sign somewhere.

Don’t give pub to people who quit our team!


Ole Miss or Auburn? FFS

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I’m not critical of Sanders for leaving for greener pastures but Auburn and Ole Miss are snake pits and not an upgrade from the Pokes. Big mistake Spencer!!!

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But that’s not how those programs see it. It’s an opportunity for Auburn and Ole Miss to learn the complete ends and outs of an oSu offense from a “magician”. It’s a win for them even. Wonder how much Spencer will share with them or whoever he decides to transfer to.

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Unless he goes to USC and has a complete turnaround with Lincoln Riley he’s not an NFL QB


I agree it’s an opportunity for those schools. However it is a poor move for Sanders. Like I said…not an upgrade.

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Wherever he lands, if their OL is just 30% better and they actually use a TE for catch with a more diverse pass route scheme, then I’d say he’s at least a little better off.

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Come on back, Spencer!

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Yes be great we started at 80% with cole out on the line

Does the new team really need an exotic passing scheme?
Would it help if he would bounce the ball to the recievers.
He had troubles throwing to his team, with a new team wouldnt that make ot harder. Now in his sixth year he my have progression down to find the open guy.

Im just saying even with theworst line and coaching staff sanders did have probelms.on a good day lol

I see your up early. Getting after your obsession. I wonder what Freud would make of you. I know you talk about about your mom. Never talk about your dad. Maybe oedipus issues. Your wanting everything as a king. Just saying maybe get that looked at.

Ole Miss is sort of confusing. Dart is a developing player, why risk him to portal. I could see why SS would want to play for Kiffin.
Auburn? Makes no sense. New coach, new OC, same dysfunctional program coming off losing record. How is that better for Ole Miss. I still think Penn St or ND would be better fits for SS, if there is mutual interest

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Don’t let the door hit your backside on the way out…, QUITTER!

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Do y’all remember why Barry Sanders retired? Detroit wasn’t serious about trying to win. They wouldn’t make the adjustments to win.

Now look at our offensive line.:thinking:

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Yes they used him as a decoy! A DECOY! Barry Sanders!

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I’d feel bad but… wait, there’s no but. Unlike some of the other people on here, I consider this to feel like it is abandonment and it’s also fitting that a guy who thought that he was better than he was is getting fewer looks than anticipated. I don’t wish Spencer any ill will, but as an alumnus and fan, I’ve dedicated a lot of my time to watching this guy turn from a serious liability to an indisputable asset; Sanders had concerned me as a long-term option at the position despite his high school pedigree, etc. and I feel like my loyalty hasn’t been repaid by Sanders. As a fan I wondered why Gundy had stuck with this kid when I thought that there might have been better options at QB on the team at the time. When he originally became the starter, I defended the hell out of this kid because I’d seen his recruiting film from high school. As an OSU fan, I basically spent nearly 3 seasons watching this guy’s play go up and down like a see-saw and the only thing that was consistent about Sander’s play was how inconsistent it was. We got one full well-played, mature QB season out this guy that was spread across last year and this year and I remain fairly convinced that the 2021 season turned out as well as it did because the defense was amazing and because Sanders didn’t turn the ball over and made enough plays with his arm and legs to overcome the few mistakes that the 2021 OSU defense made (they made very few so Sander’s job was easy). I’m not saying he didn’t win games for the Pokes because he did, but I’m also saying that he didn’t put this team on his back and carry them, the defense did. He turned it on last year around week five or six and it ran through his injury this year. When Sanders was injured he realized that his previously solid offense line was no more between injuries, transfers and graduations. So, OSU got a single full season of Sanders at his peak spread across two seasons before he was injured and decided to go elsewhere instead of seeing things through. What I am also bummed about is that Sanders leaves OSU with an ugly Bedlam loss as my final memory of him as OSU’s signal-caller. Oh, and the memory of what could have been in 2021 if they had won a couple of games that they had lost and in 2023 if Sanders had stayed at OSU. So now we get to do this QB shuffle again and we get to watch a young underclassman run the offense and struggle. I’m not thrilled about having to go through that again, but I understand that things are cyclical and that OSU is in a rebuilding mode now and that this is what college football is now. I hate the portal as it is now (without the requirement to sit out a season) because it has essentially created college football free agency and team’s rosters get shuffled non-stop and it also doesn’t take into account the investment that a football program has made in a player before that player decides to leave with no repercussions. The only time I’m okay with the portal not forcing a player to sit out a season is if the head coach is fired or if the program is disciplined by the NCAA to the point that the program is deeply affected (like inability to participate in bowl game/playoff) and the player wishing to transfer had nothing to do with the reason why the team was disciplined. I also respect that graduation rule that allows an extra year of eligibility for a player who graduates and goes on to seek a master’s degree while playing football, provided that final year is played at the same school as the previous seasons were played.

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It amazes me how y’all want to blame a kid when the coach doesn’t fix problems to give a kid the chance to be successful. How many years did we go with a bad defense? BTW this year’s defense was 117th. One of the worst offensive lines in the conference every year he’s been here.

I assume this is sarcasm. You think Freeze or Kiffin want/need to learn anything about our garbage offense? They’ll probably be trying their best to de-program him so he can make a fresh start.