Bo Bassett Down to 4 Schools, Set to Announce College Decision Tuesday Evening

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Bassett is down to OSU, Penn State, Iowa and Virginia Tech.

What’s taking so long?

Yea I read where he was committing this morning ? Guess tomorrow

Tough decision and I’m sure there has been continued posturing by the schools involved. $$$$

Iowa is throwing the biggest pile of money his way. But if VA Tech is close with the payola, the kid wants to help out a program, he said. That should be the only reason VA Tech is one of the 4. Guessing, I think he picks Iowa for the money and to help them try to beat PSU. He is so talented, he doesn’t feel the need to find the best coach. If not Iowa, it’s VA Tech. PSU does not need his help, so he doesn’t choose them. We have to hope we get Jax. He considers OSU because he knows DT and listing us as final 4 is being courteous to DT out of respect. If I am wrong and he puts on the Cowboy hat, I will then do penance by ordering a pizza from Hideaway. One of the worst pizzas I ever had. Even though I have not had Hideaway since 1967 when I then started ordering from Joe George’s Big 8 Cafe, I still remember how bad Hideaway was. Speaking of Joe George. The only wrestling ref I ever saw booed at Gallagher Hall for making obvious wrong calls in favor of OSU when we wrestled Iowa State. I later asked him about that and he said when he wrestled for the Cowboys, he hated Red Nichols, the Cyclones coach. Joe grew up in the shadow of his famous brother who was Bill George, a star for the Chicago Bears. Just a little Cowboy trivia history. To hedge my bet about Bo picking Iowa; Coach Brands in a fairly recent interview announced that Iowa was going to be getting one of the top lightweights.

Kinda glad he ain’t coming…

Kid sounds like a prima dona. Don’t like the way he referenced coach Taylor as “DT” and “David.”

Insane take. Everyone calls him DT. He’s a young “player’s coach”.

Basset is far from a prima donna

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His favorite wrestler is the guy that lost in the semifinals and then didn’t show up to wrestle for third place in Tulsa ncaa

The kid sounds really mature for his age and is comfortable in front of a camera. But I too was bothered when he referred to DT as David. A bit cocky. But certainly not obnoxious with it like AJ was and still is. Even with Bo, Iowa is not beating PSU. He can only wrestle one weight.

Bo is not necessarily a lightweight and he will get bigger too so I think you’re wrong. Brands can’t take him where he needs ( wants ? ) to go. DT can if he wants to put the effort. Penn St board isn’t confident he chooses them
I think Bo and Forrest go together , that’s why we really need these two since we haven’t won a championship in so long