Corona / Politics / Current Events Thread

Going down south out of the country Sunday. If they don’t let me come back I’ll just be forced to stay on an island… bummer.


Agreed, it is alarming in terms of those people who experience only mild symptoms spreading the disease without knowing it.

But you’re talking crazy talk about the CDC. Have you not heard that they are doing a great job, probably the best job ever, and working on a lot of things? /obvious s


This is a garbage take!


You’re a garbage take!

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I am in agreeance.


If they don’t allow fans at the big12 tourney this 100% helps us and harms ISU and KU.

I’m family medicine doc in Tampa. Worldwide, This virus has not been aggressive in younger (<50) populations. We also are very unprepared to appropriately test in the community. So far if we’re concerned, we are supposed to keep patient in an exam room and call health dept (!). My guess is that In the USA, cases are prob 3x what they’re reporting. But mortality cases are probably pretty close to accurate (they can better test in the hospital). So the virus isn’t as aggressive as they are reporting. Wash hands, and drink more alcohol!


Osu just dropped this

Indiana University just moved all it’s classes online for 2 week as well. More collages are doing it knowing college kids will travel for spring break and gather in drunken mosh pits at the beaches

Here’s my thing about testing…

Who cares? If you have flu like symptoms…you go out and about into society to get tested, possibly spreading it to others around you, for them to say ‘yup. You are all Covid’ed up.’ Congrats. Now go home and recover.

If you are in respiratory distress, or need critical care, ok. Go get it.

But if you have a terrible flu…just stay home. Who cares if you confirm it. It’s a virus, it just has to run its course.


But how will I tell anyone that I got the corona?!? I need it confirmed.

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Ah yes. The validation. Forgot about that aspect.

Me personally though, if I were to get it, I wouldn’t want anyone to know. If it’s not terribly widespread yet, I don’t want to be that guy. “THIS GUY I KNOW SHAUN WHO LIVES IN PROSPER TEXAS HAS THE CORONAVIRUS! OH MY GOD! CALL THE MEDIA! PUT UNNECESSARY AMOUNTS OF ATTENTION ON HIM WE ARE ALLGOINGTODIEOHMYGODCOMMENCEFREAKOUT!”


I always follow doctors orders.

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To be fair, testing is really important from an epidemiological standpoint so we can get more factual information about this virus. Most of the panic so far is from it being a novel virus that we don’t know much about. The more cases that are confirmed, the more the medical community will know about true infection rates, mortality rates, etc. so an outbreak like this can be prevented in the future.

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Joking aside, I do agree with you.

My wife is a nurse at an urgent care wing of a children’s hospital that’s located in an affluent area where there are many, MANY “Only the best for my baby” moms. Who…come to think of it, represent a perfect circle when sharing a venn diagram with “I need to speak to your manager” lady.

At any rate, the past 3 days she’s been dealing with this ad nauseum :
Mom : “You can’t test my baby for the Coronavirus?!”
Wife : “The state of TX doesn’t have testing kits yet. We don’t have them.”
Mom : “That is ridiculous! You need to test my baby NOW!”
Wife : “Well first off, stop yelling. I can’t. Secondly…he has an ear infection.”


Third… that’s not even your baby

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If anyone gets it, inject a Corona Extra straight into your vein. The entire bottle.

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The extra corona will fight the normal corona!


Why wait until you’re infected? Just start now. It would be incredibly selfless. Think of all the old folks and babies you would be saving.

Just in the last few hours, here are some entertainment updates:

Big West and MAC basketball tournaments will be played without fans.

UCLA will play all home sports contests without fans through the beginning of April.

Coachella and Stagecoach postponed to October.

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The media is a powerful tool.