Cowboys Don Black-Orange-Black Uniform Combo against Baylor

It is? I guess you missed the Texas game last year when he threw 4 picks.

He had 400 yards passing

Iā€™ve seen that defensive play before

Go for it

Really? Thatā€™s the best play we could come up with at the goal line?

Go for it the touchdown.

Nah!! Heā€™ll play it safe and go for the FG.

Lol gundy ainā€™t going for it.

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Itā€™s the 4th quarter. Heā€™s going to be safe and try to go up by 10. Then heā€™s going to hope his defense can still hold even if his QB turns it over again.

Florida lost

Kentucky is good.

Defense starting to look a little sluggish.

We had a pic bad luck ever where

Itā€™s not bad luck. Itā€™s the coaches not being able to teach a 3rd year QB that throwing directly to the defender and giving them three extra opportunities on offense can keep them in the game. No matter how good the defense might be. Eventually they get tired too.

Look dumbess is was a defensive pic.

About to get bit in the asss for not scoring more than 3 in the second half so far.

27 yards of offense in the second half so far.

May want to recheck ur numbers

Ah. The rushing stats. Well Iā€™m sure based on how this game is going right now weā€™ll continue to run the ball every play for the fear of Sanders potentially throwing another pick, and then weā€™ll watch the defense continues to wear down.

1st and 5 and this suck chit offense canā€™t get a first down.