Cowboys Move Up Four Spots in the Coaches Poll after Blowout Win

If gundy wins the title he is good for another 10 years rite. He can go back to 4th place

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You’re the moron trying to use baseball rules in football to make Mediocre Mike anything but pathetic.

It’s not " baseball rules" any sport that have unbalanced records use it. Back in the day no one played the same amount of conference games.
The old sec had like 30 teams playing all sort of number of league games, same with us in the mvc

How about we do everyone on here a favor? If Gundy wins the conference I’ll leave this blog forever and if he doesn’t, you leave forever.

How would u staying help anyone besides ur son Joey.
U r an idiot
If ur into favors u could just leave

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We’ve already got rules on how we break ties in football for this conference. They just don’t go the way you need. So more excuses for Gundy.

I don’t think Gundy has a chance either.

It’s funny they came out this year saying if ur team is responsible for a missed game do to the virus its a loss. U really r an idiot

What were the rules last year? Dumba$$.

Again trying to use different rules as excuses for Mediocre Mike.

Well when they found out ou and Texas went going to play all their games they came up with the rules.

I’m not making up a rule. I am using a rule that is in practice and has been used prior in football. Not a rule that was made to pacify Texas and ou

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Now who’s crying?

I’m here telling u what happen and use real solutions. That’s far from crying.

It is actual fact that either Georgia or Bama will lose. They’ll eventually play each other if they don’t. So it’s 100% guaranteed. For our sake, we need that loss to be Bama.


That was my point. At least one of them WILL lose.


Sorry I tagged the wrong comment.:grimacing: