Cowboys' Offensive Line Steadily Improving, Avenges Baylor Mishaps

Originally published at: Cowboys' Offensive Line Steadily Improving, Avenges Baylor Mishaps | Pistols Firing

‘We’re getting there.’

Just think, they are improving and all could be back next year and 4 for anpther year.

I do miss joy on these kind of articles. Tech has a lineman playing lt how at best was on the 2 deep.

Dickey is showing how good he is. Now that we have a full crew. Beside cole. Man just think if we had him

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Did I miss something? Is Joey not posing on the site now?


Yes there was a bet and joy lost. Loser had to leave the site


What was the bet and who was it with? Just curious.

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Joy took baylor and jake took us loser leave the site

Its quite with out joy


Good for Jake! Good riddance for Joe. Still think he was a closet OU or Baylor fan.


I’m not going to lie. I’ve been concerned about the state of the offensive line for a few years now (except for 2019). It’s good to finally have some guys up front to help create some consistency in the run game without having to have an NFL caliber running back trying to carry the load.


So last article on last year’s CCG loss, right Marshall? Right PFB?

Jenny Carlson will spew enough for the entirety of sports journalism.


No one misses joe. Don’t even mention him. Make fun of ar.

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Thanks, man.

The quality of our line has been exaggerated. We had the D1 leading rusher one year. We were last in the BXII in sacks allowed last year. No, we haven’t had a worldbeating line, but it’s been ok. Not a reason we win games, but not a reason we lose games.

I think everyone’s been more critical of the line since the year JW Walsh was our whole rushing offense out of the diamond formation… which was horrid.

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I believe im on jug

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Jug has left the building !!! :cowboy_hat_face::cowboy_hat_face:

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