Daily Bullets (Oct. 2): Boone Pickens Stadium Set for a Big Show, Super League Concept Emerging?

Originally published at: https://pistolsfiringblog.com/daily-bullets-june-2-boone-pickens-stadium-set-for-a-big-show-super-league-concept-emerging/

River’s Edge delivers stunning scenery and luxurious privacy in beautiful southeastern Oklahoma. A 350-acre riverfront wilderness, perfect for rekindling passions and reconnecting families. A place where you can be close to the ones you love – and far from the ordinary. To check them out head over to www.riversedgecottages.com or call 580-244-7296. OSU Bullets • OSU is hosting a big-time concert at Boone Pickens Stadium in the spring, big plus: it’s reportedly intended to be an NIL benefit (PFB) • Fascinating college football concept here – a league with the top-72 teams that restores regionality (The Athletic) • WV’s Neal Brown noted OSU’s ability to recover from a down couple of games: “If you look at what they did last year, playing in the Big 12 conference championship game, they had two losses in a row, too,” Brown said. “They lost to South Alabama and Iowa State, and they rebounded to get all the way to the conference championship game. [PFB] • Previewing the OSU-West Virginia game (HCS) • Two arguments about the Cowboys – one is good news and the other, bad: Many of the experts picked Utah and K-State ahead of OkState. Season’s not lost just because of a tough stretch.…

Hopefully the concert performances are better than the football’s performances.

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Has anyone ever asked the question of why the team that returns the most starters in the conference was picked third? Especially since OU and Texas are gone?