Fire Rob Walton into the Sun

Three Homeruns in four batters. What the hell are we even doing?


I don’t know much about baseball pitching coaches. But our fans been wanting to sack him for sometime now.


This needs to happen today!


Being “loyal and true” does not mean accepting mediocrity from our coaches. Across all sports.


Just fire the whole program into the sun at this point. This is an embarrassment.


Changes need to be made. Walton needs to go. The pitching coach at Tech, Gardner, has had some success out there, and he’s an OSU grad, Maybe it’s time for him to come home.


Been under the impression a pitching coach needs to happen for three years now.


Our sports programs are in this really weird spot where all of them are one little tweak away from major success, but all of them are too stubborn to do anything to fix their one glaring issue.

Gundy with Dickey / Dunn

Boynton with offense / shooting (although not as simple to fix)

KG with refusing to play talented freshmen over struggling upperclassmen

JH with pitching

Bratton with basically everything right now


I’ve read that pulling the pitcher is Josh’s decision. But we didn’t do anything but serve up meatballs in the regional. Maybe going so deep in the conference final drained some guys. Our pitching has sucked most of the year. Brown was gassed, he is too frail to throw many innings
I don’t know but football it seemed something internal with the team last half. Lil P wasn’t a team player , Sanders became bigger than the team
Basketball defense was really good, we had no shooters. If we could have shot the ball 5% better in 3’s we would have won at least 5 more games
Wrestling is a puzzle, you can’t fire a legend so what do you do there ? Embarrassing to finish like we have last two years. Penn St will be tough to overcome unless new blood is in
Kenny is still learning on the fly, I can’t say I’m disappointed there

The portal age is a really tough rule to deal with. I think it has and will ruin college sports