Fishing and Outdoors thread

What a day for a fishing thread to pop up on PFB.


yeah…I honestly had no idea. I just was thinking about fishing and started the thread.


Left my MAGA hat at home that trip! Lol

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What all baits do you use for Crappie?

I’ve used minnows. They seem to work well, but again, I just started back with it.

I prefer yum Christmas tree green jib bodies with yellow crappie crazy jig heads and have good luck. Also look up Bobby Garland baits and he makes nothing but crappie stuff he makes good baits. Bought my dad some and he said he slays with them


Yet another thread where my only contribution will be making fun of people or making sarcastic comments.


We’d never ask for anything less


My brother just got back from an ocean fishing trip off the coast of Louisiana, and has been sending pics. Looks like I may need to try it sometime.


I grew up fishing farm ponds in float tubes for crappie and perch. Now all I have around is lakes, having to relearn to fish a little bit. Course the kids keep me busy enough I dont get out very often.

You mention a float tube around this part of the state, and people think your crazy, lol.

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Really I’ve kimda figured out from a guy who’s a pro I use to work with and fishes in Crappie tournament at Bever, if you want to fish crappie good you have to spider rig in Arkansas

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I wish I could go every year but be prepared for $800 to $1200 plus 15% for deck hand. Best to go with someone else or family to split costs or semi private charter with a few strangers

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I have a pond behind my house and just started fishing during quarantine. It is maybe a 2 acre pond, but has some nice bass and catfish.

ETA: my new favorite thing to do when I head to the pond is put my earbuds in, put about 4 beers in my tackle backpack, then turn on an audiobook for an hour or two (listening to Deacon King Kong now). If you want to go pure relaxation, switch the audiobook out for my fishing Spotify playlist: Yacht Rock: A Purist’s History by Spotify user HollywoodSteve. Enjoy!


Tonight’s haul. A tiny yellow bullhead. A 2.5lb largemouth, 1 beer, less than 30 mins.


Is that in your backyard?

Sort of. I have to walk across a tee box and across a bridge. 100 yards max.


What’s the course?

Rose Creek

Thought I recognized it :joy::joy:

You recognized the mediocrity, did you? This place, RC that is, baffles me. Not a bad track, but I have questions about the corporate management.