Game Thread (@Houston) 🏈

Feels right. Houston isn’t good.

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We will win by much more.



Hopefully this is one of the games where the coaches decide to have a good gameplan and schemes! If not, look out. Lol ok im done.

Don’t know that I would call those picks “turnover luck.” Howard was well know for making suspect throws in certain situations. I don’t think we’d say Baylor got lucky when Sanders threw 4 picks. It’s hard to say they’re better when we beat them and are tied with them in conference.

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I hope the weather in Houston is better than it was in Orlando.

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They are clearly better than us. They have blown out every team they’ve played this year and would again be a double digit favorite on a neutral field. They played horribly against us, a good team, and barely lost.

We have to play perfect to win and if we play bad, South Alabama or UCF happens. That’s the difference. Same with OU game tbh. Home field advantage and turnover luck.

The peaks and valleys with some of you is insane. You are out of your mind if you think we’ve played close to perfect in any game this year.


I didnt mean it literally. Try to grasp the overall message. We have to win on the margins, which takes nearly perfect gameplanning and execution. Gundy explicitly says this. When we hit on both, we win and usually cover comfortable. When we dont, we fail miserably. That is unsustainable. Kansas State clearly doesnt have this issue currently.

We are and have been a “good” team. When we win the turnover battle, we win. When we lose the turnover battle, we lose. That’s what good teams do.

Conference Play
Opponent: Point Differential (Turnover Diff.)

ISU: Lost by 7 (-2)
KSU: Won by 8 (+3)
KU: Won by 8 (+2)
WVU: Won by 14 (+1)
UC: Won by 32 (0)
OU: Won by 3 (+2)
UCF: Lost by 42 (-3)

The only way to break through this cycle is to recruit better and just be way more talented than the other team - which we saw against Cincinnati. Not a knock on Gundy per se - he’s exceptional at winning games with turnovers, penalties, and field position.

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This is truthfully the cycle we have been stuck in for years. Bad recruiting, good coaching until its bad coaching, and repeat. Even 2021 was like this but we got a little luckier and had a generational defense. At what point will we break through and win the big 12?

What do you mean by “better? You seem to be pointing to consistency and I’d agree they’re more consistent. But to say that a team we beat is “clearly” better is a bit wild. I get being disillusioned, but just like we shouldn’t have started printing Big 12 champs shirts after OU, we shouldn’t be screaming we suck now.

We are going to finish the season 9-3

I’ll take it


Maybe 3wks from now?

What we need is a Houston win, and everyone will stop talking about it.


The one’s saying Klieman is a much better coach than Gundy : Klieman is 1-4 against Gundy
Is that luck :roll_eyes:


Ftexas plays Iowa St next week all we need is for them to best IS and we are in provided we win the last two ? Right ?

Kansas State or OU also need to lose a game.


We have beat both of them so don’t we get the tie breaker ?

Yes. If you end up in a multi-team tie where all of the teams did not play each other you ignore had to head and go to step two of the tiebreakers. Step two is record against best common opponent, but if there are multiple common opponents with the same record then it goes to record against all of them. Kansas State would be 2-0 vs Kansas and Iowa State and OU and OSU would be 1-1