Gen Z Punk Watches 1988 Bedlam Game for the First Time and Blogs About It

I’ve always wondered if any of our fans have found the refs afterwards . I don’t condone his actions, have thought about doing it myself tho, but I would buy your friend a beer for the one he “dropped” .

Unfortunately this was the first college football game I ever saw live. I was sitting around the five yard line right in front of all this happening. It was such a good game up until that Parker drop… I believe this is where the “poke choke” comes from. But I didn’t sway even as a child. Ride em cowboys

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Man, that number 8 for OU totally ran down Barry from way behind. Not a good look…

I was at this game. Flew up from NAS Whiting on a cross country hop with a couple of students. The flag that ref threw is the epitome of “Sooner Magic.” I call it it old fashioned cheating. Nevertheless, the dropped ball in the end zone epitomizes the famous oSu slogan . . . “Wait 'til next year!”

Only thing I didn’t like about this article is the headline. @marshall not= “punk”

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Are you serious? Not a good look that one guy actually caught him? EVERYTHING he did was a good look!@

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