After seeing the Uniform thread pop back up on my timeline I had an idea that I thought might be cool for the main PFB site. please inform me if this idea already exist and I just live under a rock*
I am always amazed how the guys on the pod are able to remember the uniform combos for certain games, or all of the combos okstate has to offer. I thought it would be cool if under the football tab of the website they had a uniform gallery, where you can see pictures of okstate uniforms and maybe how often the combo has been worn, and It would be cool if it had W-L record per combo. They could go back to the beginning of the gundy era, and for example you would have the ability to look up what okstate worn against K-state in 2011 (I know you can just google it but it would be nice to have all the uniform history in one place)
Just a thought, maybe unachievable, maybe not interesting to some but I think it would be a cool feature to the PFB site.
It would take a lot of work that I don’t know if I have time for right now. Also would need pictures that we own. We haven’t been at every game since the new uni’s inception. We do have a running spreadsheet of combos, though, maybe there is a way we can incorporate that with the site.
Go at it as a community. If you remember what we wore for such and such game post it. Or if you want to look it up have at it. I bet it’d get done fairly quickly. Then log it somewhere on PFB+ only.
Well, that’s too bad. I was really, really hoping I could convince you that, today’s a new day and Queen Unicorn Ophelia of the Fairy Dust wishes only mass fortune for you.