Instacap: Oklahoma State Holds Off Kansas State 82-79 in Overtime

2010 we were tge second best team but division left us out. So from 2010 osu has been the 2nd or better 5 times out of 11.
2nd best wins in big 12.
Top 10 in wins and top 25 wins since 2010.

U can talk about other schools. What has Texas, tcu, and ksu have done since their title games.
Was Baylor competitive in 2020 and some other years.

With only 2018, osu has been with in 1 game allthe years the didn’t finish 2nd or better.

Stop using the word competitive. U obviously dnt know what it means.

Just stick to ur rainman act. 1 title and 3 bedlam wins.
Anything else u can’t prove and makes u look really small. And, using jug as a reference makes ur an idiot.

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Cool, how many Big XII titles does Boynton have?

According to the Big 12 at that time we were the 3rd best team. We also lost to Nebraska there Roberto.

And no conference titles besides 2011

Name me one decent P5 program in non conference we’ve beaten since 2010 other than Pitt.

Competitive usually means playing close neck to neck games with teams that are better than you. It doesn’t mean getting your butt kicked all over the field in Stillwater by the likes of TCU and K State like in 2017.

Is that supposed to be competitive?

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Has Boynton been at OSU for 17 seasons yet?

And your man Campbell has how many titles ? Wasn’t he supposed to win it this year according to you ?

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Joey I can name 3 that we beat in the top 10. Ur an idiot. Unlike u I count bowl games as wins like everyone else. Then not to mention boise who did finish the year in top 25 in 2018. We had Miami. U amaze me u double down like ur bother trudeau.

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Has Campbell been at Iowa State for 17 years?

Was Miami a non-conference game we scheduled? I also said P5 teams. Boise isn’t one. Try to keep up here. You said you could name three. You didn’t do that. Next please!!!

Gundy schedule the bowl by being competitive.
How u like them apples.

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OK, chief, I’m going to shut this stupidity down right now. He’s been here 5 years. How many times has he finished in the top half of the conference? Once. With the #1 draft pick, and he finished 5th. There’s still a chance to happen this year, but again, it’s going to be barely, 5th maybe. The only thing I can say for him is that he’s barely avoided being last.

There is no five year stretch of Gundy’s tenure or any 5 random years at all from Gundy’s career that is that terrible. At least be consistent. You’re hating on Gundy because he’s been successful and it’s made you greedy for more. You praise Boynton because he has failed to build anything and you’re starving for any scrap.

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  1. One championship in 17 years and two NY6 bowl wins.

  2. I said if Boynton doesn’t get it together next season he should go. How am I praising him?

Five years of underachieving, not just by some high standard that he himself created (à la Gundy), but by the standard of just not being a conference whipping boy.

Also, there’s no way he’s gone after next season. His buyout will be way too high.

According to you he’s next to Riley….he was supposed to last two years. He lost a lot this year so how much longer you gonna give him to win it? He been there 8 years as of now

As much time as you’re going to give Gundy to win another conference title.

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