KU-KSU Fight

Meeeehhhhhh, he sort of is. Chris Paul is propping him up, I think, now that he has a proper point guard.

Oh don’t do that :joy: Yes Chris Paul helps, but he helps because he’s listening to Billy and Billy is listening to him. Billy can coach when he has the dudes to listen.

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KU and KSU are so rarely seen or spoken about on ESPN they will do anything … :sunglasses:

Just looked at Kstate’s schedule and was disappointed that their guys would have to get 6 game suspensions to affect our game with them. I’ll take whatever help we can get right now.

KU/KSU suspensions…


Way too lenient, and the fact that only 4 got suspensions is absurd.

Each team lost someone for an extended period who barely plays and one player each who gets 15-20 minutes for a few games. Not much of a deterrence so I guess they don’t mind the fighting if you get playing time.

This is well done!


I believe there is an argument to be made for the length of suspensions, but not the number. As I saw it the 4 players definitely seen throwing punches got punished. Everyone else was shoving and jawing and can claim to have been “trying to separate teammates”.

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