I can appreciate that you want to encourage folks to pony up for a subscription by linking to content exclusive to PFB+, however, I am tired of clicking on a link (re: Ngata, for example) that takes me to the ‘hey you cheap fargin’ bastige, this is paid content.’ My frustration level has reached the point where this is no longer the first site I read every morning. If you could be so kind to indicate the link is to PFB+, then I can return to reading and not bother clicking.
Can you show me the Ngata example you’re talking about @PokeO-Shinsky? I think we’ve only done this a couple of times just to see if it works and if we like doing it so you might be talking about something different than what I’m thinking.
Before I got PFB+ as a gift, this was annoying for the above reason. I’d rather not know what I’m missing because it made me feel like I want welcome or apart of the group. Luckily, I got my membership. My non member preference would have been to not see those posts at all.