Live Blog Updates: Oklahoma State Hosts Central Arkansas for 2023 Season Opener

wacthing this game real time and bowman looks fat. WTF?

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What are these drops


Well i’m hoping all these dudes are just chill in. Cuz if is the best that they have we are done. Very sad Very sad.

This is an incredibly frustrating offense to watch. I see Dunn and Dickey haven’t changed much. Running bootlegs with the slowest QB on the roster, running into brick walls, throwing the ball behind the line of scrimmage consistently, whiffing blocks, can’t convert on third and short, or fourth and short.

All this against a 1AA team that finished 5-6 last season btw. Also, we’ve abandoned the run because we suck. Averaging 3.2 yards per rush against CA isn’t anything to brag about. We’ve got some serious issues on offense with this team. The receivers look good, and even then they’re dropping the ball.

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So Dunn sucks at OC and now are receivers aren’t catching balls. Can we fire him now? At least we aren’t Baylor right now.


Its great to see hale. But the drops got to stop.

Again we got 2 lineman out by half time.

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I see you’ve already got the excuses in line. Doesn’t surprise anyone here Bob. It’s CA btw.

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What is ca

I can’t say we wouldn’t look the same if we were playing Texas State right now. Offense has looked absolutely dead in the first half.

Think real hard.

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My biggest nag is, where is this heavy run game at and getting up under the center?I certainly feel we can run these guys over. Rangel has certainly improved and wish we left him in till in the middle of the 3rd quarter. Defense is okay. Rangel definitely has the edge over Bowman for sure like I was told and thinking.

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I’m allowing you to still back out of the bet with ASU right now if you want? Just let me know what you want to do.

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How many drops did bowman have.


Haha :rofl: I was thinking the same. I haven’t been too high on him since he got here. He’s not the same QB he was at tech.

I dont know what your talking about. What is ca.
What bet did you think we had on the asu game.

On the defense, this team has experienced offensive players in rb an qb.

Some of those are off, they where catching better with Rangel in and moving the ball.

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So what are you saying bowman throwing to hard. They need to catch the ball

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Coach Prime’s offense would’ve put up over 30 in the first half against these jokers.

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13-0 at the half against a 5-6 FCS team not what I expected


And people wondered why I said 6-6