Marshall's Notebook: Recapping a Blowout

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Leftovers from a blowout.

I realize that everyone looks good against KU, but I do hope that our players really are as good as they performed today. I didn’t question any of the plays, no yelling at the TV screen and scaring the baby, dogs and maybe wife too. After the game I thought what a team it could have been if not for having to kick 2 players off the team and then having 2 linemen go down with injuries during the first game along with starting QB. And the biggest surprise was after the game hearing Chuba state that he had to have a talk with himself and recommit to the game by realizing why he was here. I had not realized that he had had a mental lapse for awhile. Gundy when asked about that answered in a way that suggested he thought Chuba was referring to fumbling balls. That is not what Chuba was referring to. Gundy still needs to get closer to his players since it sounds like he doesn’t know all that was bothering Chuba.

Don’t forget the lineman who retired. So why is Hubbard not focusing. I real want to bring up again. But remember when u were in school did the teacher know when u needed to pp, no. U would raise ur hand or pp in ur pants. Its pretty simple Hubbard needs help, he can get it. I really don’t want this to flare up. Hubbard’s 21, he has a mom a dad running back coach med.staff training staff holder. But ur saying Gundy should know and fix his problems. Well I know he came here to go to school and play football. And in 2 game was involved with 4 fumbles and not running great in those games. And unless u actually really know it’s not about football well it’s not Gundy’s fault. At some point Hubbard needs to turn into an adult that he is. He got a support team larger then most peoples. I hope u understand that.