Mike Gundy Named Big 12 Coach of the Year, Several Cowboys Earn All-Big 12 Honors

Originally published at: https://pistolsfiringblog.com/mike-gundy-named-big-12-coach-of-the-year-several-cowboys-earn-all-big-12-honors/

OSU’s season has been a rollercoaster, but Gundy has kept it on track.

I was wrong about Gundy. Congrats on the great season.


Well, you are not alone. I only had OSU going 6-6.

Kinda thought this would be Neal Brown or Campbell. I thought Brown was for sure going to be fired mid season and Campbell did a great job after all the gambling issues right before the season.


Was this AP of coaches poll?

I was optimistic and mentioned 9-3 or 8-4 but as certain games went on, it felt like Gundy didn’t care

Yeah you could definitely make a case for Brown, Campbell, Sark, and Gundy.

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Yep Campbell deserved a look given his player problems at the start of the year. Gundy did have a mini version of Campbell’s issue with Arland Bruce IV

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My guess on Campbell is it would be tough to give him the award after he was in charge during the gambling (lack of control)


The one good thing about it being illegal in Oklahoma is we don’t have to deal with that from our guys.

Drunk driving is also illegal. Doesn’t stop some players from being dumb enough to do it.

Seems weird a coach that got ran out of his own stadium by a 6 loss sunbelt team and loss to a bad Iowa state team at the time just to get mud stomped in Florida to ucf. The same coach couldn’t decide who was the best fit at quarterback was and didn’t know who to play at the running back position. It also took the same coach till 4 or five games in the middle of the season to know to really this time in for years to give the ball a lot to your best players. I guess strictly on the turnaround but the whole season?

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I’ll put it this way. He did better than I thought he would. However, if we would’ve lost to BYU and not made the CCG. There’s no way he would’ve won the award. It’s basically a recency bias, in which OSU also benefited in having one of the easier schedules in the conference as well.

Congrats to Gundy but I would have given the COY award to Neil Brown. WVU was supposed to be a dumpster fire, and they were a hail mary away from being in the mix for Arlington. And while I’m glad Gundy turned it around, he did take what is the #2 team in the Big 12 and lost at home by 4 TDs to South Alabama. That game was this year too.

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Yea don’t know what you are smoking but OSU was not ranked #2 at the start of the season. More like #7. Lots of factors got us to #2, good coaching, player dedication, et al. Believe me when I say that we are punching above our weight a bit being at #2 in the league this year.

I agree we overperformed. But we still lost to South Alabama. And it wasn’t like the CMU loss, where a close game and a couple breaks turn the game against you. We got smoked by South Alabama. Running out 3 QBs and 3 RBs for 25% of the season simply because you can’t pick a starter is not COY-level coaching.

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Certainly not but what happened after that is what the award is for. Also for those who think that Sark should get it for getting UT back I have a different perspective. Essentially I’m not a fan of giving coach of the year awards to coaches who have a team full of 5 star recruits whom they don’t have to work that hard to get year in and year out.

I don’t think Sark should have won it either. Texas did what they were projected to do. Finish first in the conference. I’d have voted for Neil Brown personally to get the award, but I wouldn’t have argued for anyone who pushed for Campbell or Leopold based on how they handled the personnel losses they faced.

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