Oklahoma State Releases Football Schedule for 2025 Season

Hey champ,

I’ll talk in small sentences for you. It will help you catch up. Michael said no one would stay long. Ar1 said this meant no coach could love this school. No one loves this school enough to take less money. You get it now? Good. Screw off.

Less money than who? In 2024 Gundy was the 17th highest paid coach. Of the last 5 non blueblood coaches who have won the big 12 how many have moved up? Sometimes y’all are just stupid. Look at recent history before you comment.

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We gave Gundy a pay increase for not meeting his expectations after the 2017 season. In fact, Gundy’s pay increased despite never winning the conference since then. Except for this past season. However, I would expect someone to cut my pay if I’ve proven I can take the most senior team in the conference to dead last.

Gundy was the 17th highest paid coach. The highest paid in the conference. Out of all those schools with highest paid coaches there are only five that aren’t BB schools (OSU included). So the notion we couldn’t get a coach equal to Gundy, or better, while expecting 7 win seasons (consistency sake) with a top 20 paid HC is absurd on your part.

Hey champ,

Literally no one said anything related to that copy and paste tirade. Stay on freaking track.

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Hey champ,

Dillingham is not going to be at ASU in three years.

That’s all he posts is repeated chit 50 times or more. He doesn’t have the intelligence to find another line to post so you know what kind of intelligence you’re dealing with :roll_eyes:

They’ve been saying that about Matt Campbell and Chris Klieman for years. It just isn’t happening. They might all get hired by Alabama Georgia and LSU next week but it hasn’t been happening in recent past.

We already know Gundy can’t win the conference but I’m definitely not convinced Weiberg can hire a football coach anyway. Weiberg as ad is about as impressive as Gundy hiring coordinators.

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Apparently you’re not the one that can keep on track. I’m not the one saying I’d rather have 7 win seasons and be consistent in doing only that. That’s you and Michael. The entire point is if you’re going to pay a coach top 20 pay with no expectations to be a top 20 program. Then you don’t need a long-term coach.

Also, I’m sure there are coaches good enough to maintain that consistency you so desire while our administration is still stupid enough to pay them as much. If that coach is good enough to maintain your expectation while being overpaid for it, why in the hell would he want to risk going anywhere else? Especially if he’s content with those results and rewards? AR was right. You need to think a little more before posting again.

Hey champ,

This is still not the topic, you mouth-breather. See a psychologist about your Gundy Derangement Syndrome.

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Then what’s the topic about? Because you keep deciding to change what it should be. You first mentioned outside of an alum nobody is staying. I’ve given you factual evidence of what expectations are, the generous pay, and that a person (despite being an alum or not) doesn’t need to stay for 20 years if your expectations are simply just to win more than you lose.

Hey champ,

Yes, I get that you couched a bunch of gripes into a tangential response.

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Yet, you still can’t admit the truth :man_shrugging:.

Hey champ,

I’ve admitted many times that you’re deranged.

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I give you facts. If that makes me deranged then so be it.

Hey champ,

We’re the only adult mammal to drink the milk of another species into adulthood. Why should we accept this bizarre practice? Everyone should be vegan! I guess you just accept being an aberration.

See how that was deranged? It’s a fact that had nothing to do with what we were talking about. Then it starts making stupid conclusions from a random fact. This is how you live your entire life. I hope that helps.

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Only guy I know that completely baffled Ketchup on here … lol. Changes narrative completely when he knows nothing. Only man I know that knows absolutely nothing about nothing :joy::joy:

This was the very first thing you quoted. Not a single person said we needed a coach to stick around for twenty years to win multiple conference titles. Not……a……single……person ever said this. Art Briles had proven you don’t need a decade or longer to win the conference twice. Sorry, just trying to help bring you back to the very first point you were trying to make on the first place. Seems like you forgot about it on your most recent rants :+1:.

It’s kind of like when we bring up the multiple things we’re lacking for the football program. Then we have someone on here talking about “top 10 in wins” when there’s absolutely nothing else. Maybe if we go 6-6 next season we can get Gundy on TV again to remind the nation that “we have a logo too!!!”.

Hey champ,

That’s so weird. I wonder why Briles isn’t there anymore or didn’t get snatched up by another program? Seems like there ought to be some obvious reason that makes your point really stupid, but I can’t think what it might be.

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That’s fine. Other notable coaches that didn’t take them twenty years to win the conference twice:

  • Mark Dantonio (three times, 13 years)
  • Chris Peterson (two times, 6 years)
  • Bret Bielema (three times, 7 years)
  • David Shaw (three times, 12 years)
  • Kyle Whittingham (three times, 20 years)

Just simply pointing we don’t need someone to stay 20+ years in hopes of winning a second conference title. Some of those coaches have even been fired. Everyone wants to talk about Gundy’s total wins. Yet, ignore the fact that dudes who’ve been fired have actually won their conference more in less time :man_shrugging:.