Oklahoma State Releases Football Schedule for 2025 Season

Originally published at: https://pistolsfiringblog.com/oklahoma-state-releases-football-schedule-for-2025-season/

OSU’s 2025 schedule is finally here.

How we feeling? The outcome of the season is really going to depend upon that middle stretch between the bye weeks. In the past, I would’ve expected the Cowboys to win all of those, but not anymore. I’m seeing anywhere from 4-8 to 8-4. Either way, I predict a new head ball coach in 2026.

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4-8 looks realistic. 6-6 would be a decent season for this group


Having a bye after the 2nd game sucks.
I’m still going with 5-7

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They won’t fire him. Our only hope is he walks away. Even if he goes 0-12 they won’t fire him. Pat Jones went 0-10-1 and didn’t get fired. Pat Jones went 6 straight years with a losing season before he was fired. This is still the same school with the same little brother attitude. Just look at the responses on here. “Who you going to hire Who could do better?”
" No coach will come to Stillwater and stay."
What’s been the expectations the last 10+ years? It hasn’t been championships or good recruiting. Pissing off the donors doesn’t get you fired. BTW don’t forget to buy season ticket AND donate to watch them finish near the bottom.

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Who wants to predict the score of the Oregon game?
I feel 63-3.
Being in an optimistic mood about next season, I think they just might be able to find 4 wins. I’m feeling this generous only because I have been assured that Alan Bowman can’t return. I’m thrilled about whoever becomes our QB just because he won’t be Bowman. Also excited about the absence of Kasey Dunn and the guy whose favorite answer for most questions was, " today is the worst we’ll ever be. ". Not sure if I got that quote right.
When the season ended I posted that Gundy would be gone after 2 more losing seasons. I still think that. I don’t think Chad is going to tolerate 3 bad seasons in a row considering his recent letter. I read between the lines that coaches will win or be gone. As it should be. Who do you want to stick around longer, Gundy or the mega donors? The question is, does Gunnar Gundy talk enough to be able to coach anyone? He might still get a shot to play if more QBs hit the portal than anticipated. I would like to see him play again.

I’m at 4-8, though I could honestly see 2-10. Wish I was being funny. I don’t think UCF will be a joke, Kansas rebounds, Baylor, tech, and Houston is on fire this off season. Kansas and K-State definitely do better than last season. Cincinnati seems to be doing the right things. Arizona is questionable. Iowa State is on fire. Wish I was being sarcastic.

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They are getting close to firing him, hence the restructured contract with a lower buyout. My cousin is a donor, doctor, and graduated with shrum. It’s a put up or shut up for Gundy.

They kept Pat around to get through sanctions you idiot. No one was coming being on sanctions. You and your son should just start backing a different team every year since you don’t think we should ever lose.

Well it looks like Shrum is gone but Gundy is still here.

You must really hate this university.

“No one is going to come and stay”

Why don’t you go find a university that you can believe in. One that you think others will love.

Since when has this ever been about “don’t think we should ever lose”? I’m fairly sure we’ve been consistent in saying we should have more than one conference title in 20 years. Especially when Texas has sucked and OU’s down years. Other non-BB schools have proven it can be done. Even before NIL existed they’ve proven it.

Now let’s see if anyone will answer the question that’s still being asked:

How do you finish last in the conference with 19 returning starters from a 10 win team?

Hey champ,


I thought you were a cynical crybaby, but you’re actually a naive crybaby. Outside of an alum, people are going to leave for money. I’m not saying that’s a reason to move on or not move on from Gundy, but if you think we’re going to go out and find a coach that’s going to consistently win this conference (which is what you want) and they’re going to stick around, you’re wrong. They may not leave for a lateral move (although Brad Underwood sure did), but if a well-funded Big Ten or SEC calls, they’re going to go. That’s not a reason not to hire someone you think is a good coach, but people sticking around for the love of OSU ain’t happening.

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Hey champ,

You’ve repeatedly implied our returning starters sucked and we should’ve been in the portal getting upgrades.

You want to provide me evidence of that? That still doesn’t really answer the question. I never said we needed to go to the portal heavy for the 2024 season. I’ve said since the portal came out Gundy has tried avoiding it at all costs. After the 2021 season he picked up 12 portal transfers. We ended up going 7-6 that season. That might be good enough for you. It’s not for me though.

There are currently three coaches in the Big 12 that have spent a lot less time than Gundy at their school. They also have the same amount of conference titles as Gundy. Who said we need a coach to stick around for twenty years to win the conference twice? Bill Snyder has been retired for 7 years and still has just as many conference titles as Gundy since 2011.

Hey champ,

Your illiteracy has failed you again.

I specifically said twice that it isn’t a good reason to not hire someone. I was only commenting on the naivete of thinking such a coach would stay long-term.

Learn some reading comprehension. Maybe take some adult learning night classes. It might help you get a job.

And yet nobody mentioned anything about having the next coach stay here for two decades. Most of us are aware of that. Many coaches these days won’t even stay at a BB school for two decades. It doesn’t take some coaches two decades to win the conference twice. Some it doesn’t even take them a decade. You simply brought up a point that nobody mentioned in the first place.

Hey champ,

Go read the post I actually responded to, you clown. Being an adult and having a job one day will be about attention to detail.

I did you idiot. Nowhere in AR’s comment did he even imply anything about a coach staying long term. He was simply referring to expectations and Michael acting like a girl. If you can’t follow the context of what’s being discussed then why are you here?