Oklahoma State Will Face Texas A&M in the TaxAct Texas Bowl

Originally published at: https://pistolsfiringblog.com/oklahoma-state-will-face-texas-am-in-the-taxact-texas-bowl/

The Cowboys will get another crack at the Aggies in NRG Stadium.

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:unamused: :yawning_face: :sleeping:

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So sick of getting passed up by the Alamo Bowl for teams that finished worse in the Big 12, especially to go to the much worse Texas Bowl against the much worse Aggies AGAIN. I live two hours away from Houston but I’m sure as hell not watching this game and ■■■■ sure not gracing the gas pumps of Valero anytime soon. College Football sure sucks.

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Oh brother this game STINKS!

I guess it could be worse, we could be Florida St

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FSU got kicked in the dick so hard it’s ridiculous. Wouldn’t shed a tear if some unhinged person showed up at Boo’s door and let him have it that’s for sure.


Wasn’t expecting Alamo by any means, but definitely a bummer to get passed up by Pop-Tart… would have loved another shot at Orlando given the embarrassment of UCF. At this point I care more about us finishing strong and 10 wins vs. the specific game. Get a win, put a bow on the season. Get some defensive guys in the portal.


We need to do what ever we can and play whatever cards we have been dealt and try to convert it all into better recruiting. Good coaching is only going to get you so far. As far as OSU is concerned our only path forward to bigger and better things will be through getting DUDES on the team. Again the only way forward is to have grown ass men playing for OSU, period.


Crap bowl. No disrespect to the bowl itself. It is a lesser tier/money bowl than we qualified for. However, at the end of the day, it seems no one cares that much about bowls anymore.

Players sit out, portal transfers are kicked off the team, coaches are trying experimental, fun trick plays. What was our linebackers name that caught a pass in the bowl and silver flew off his helmet as he knocked heads to get a first down? Cassidy?

Anyway, the real team is not playing the other real team. It’s more like a second team tryout and an Hawaiian shirt with swag bag soirée. People have fun but it’s not like it used to be as a competition between conferences, players, pride for your school. A showcase.

Still, this could cost OSU how much money? A half million? Did OU missing a NY6 bowl cost us another half million? Texas probably picked us up a half million.

Meanwhile Alabama sure got their multi-million dollar slot.

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Now that you mention that that was one of the most awesome plays in college football. That helmet to helmet hit was bad ass. Both of those guys had to have scrambled brains for weeks after. The toughness to survive that kind of impact is off the charts. Obviously you have never experienced that situation so you wouldn’t know. Or maybe you would I have no clue.

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It was a great play. He wanted that first down. We all enjoyed it.

Defensive Tackle James Castleman

That was one of my all-time favorite OSU plays.


Speaking of the portal. Dillon Gabriel is now in the portal. That’s a big ouch for OU. No confidence in next season’s success Dillon???

Yea….not watching this game. Totally stupid.

It’s like I keep trying to tell Bruce. You don’t get respect as a program by just getting to a championship and not winning it. That’s not how you build a program that’s respectable enough to NOT get passed up by other bowl committees. If his opinion were true, then we wouldn’t be going to this lesser bowl game. Of course, it’s these same people that try to tell me I’m wrong :man_shrugging:.

“Thats a big ouch for OU”. OU losing Riley and Caleb Williams was a massive, massive blow that was unexpected. Gabriel was never going to be at OU in the 24’ season. He knew it. The staff knew it. More importantly, his backup Jackson Arnold knew it. So does it hurt? OU is losing a very good QB. So it doesnt help the depth. But unless OU made the playoff, the Jackson Arnold era was starting with this bowl game. That has been the plan in Norman since the day Arnold signed.

“No confidence in next season success Dillon” I know OSU fans feel like there is absolute failure coming for OU once they hit the SEC. Im fully aware of and have acknowledged several times how tough sledding it will be over there. But…do people forget what Mizzou has done? A&M has been the same program over there that they were in teh Big 12. Did you just see Texas go into Bama and win? Like ive said before, the OSU fans who are sure OU is going to be .500 annually in the SEC are as ignorant as the OU fans who think theyll go win the Conf every year.

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All of the Bowls outside the NY6 and playoff are strictly about putting butts in the seats and eyeballs on the TV. OSU isnt a national draw that brings in the eyeballs. They arent as desirable as some teams that were taken ahead of them. It has nothing to do with the W-L record. Its not about “national respect”.

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“will be through getting DUDES on the team. Again the only way forward is to have grown ass men playing for OSU, period”

If you are King for a Year in Stillwater…how do you accomplish that? Within the limits or framework of reality, how do you accomplish that in the days of the portal/NIL?

What a bunch of whining. We are 9-4 with 3 absolute blowout losses and a fan base that’s mediocre at best traveling. IT IS WHAT IT IS.

Now we face off against one of the highest profile teams in our #1 recruiting territory, in a new Big 12 city.

Hopefully we can put on a good showing, maybe even win.


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You obviously didn’t pay attention to anything I said. Bruce made the statement that making the CCG is better than winning it. How do you plan on building a recognizable program without winning any meaningful trophies? I would consider this a ridiculous statement. How are going to draw more eyes on television without doing the things needed to build a recognizable program? This only proves the point I’ve been saying all along. Nobody cares if you’re top 10 in wins. They only see what you’ve accomplished in the trophy room.

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