Ollie Gordon Is Primed to Leave His Name All over the OSU Record Books

Originally published at: https://pistolsfiringblog.com/ollie-gordon-is-primed-to-leave-his-name-all-over-the-osu-record-books/

Several OSU Top 10 lists are within Gordon’s grasp.

If Gordon reaches 1,700 yards rushing, he will become the only Cowboy to reach 1,700 yards in two different seasons. Think about that….
Neither Terry Miller, Thurman Thomas, David Thompson nor Kendall Hunter have achieved that.


I suggest if you want him in the record books, then give him more than 19 rushes in his first three games of this upcoming season. Also, don’t limit him to under 20 rushes per game. I have a feeling that won’t happen though.


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I wouldn’t say it if it weren’t true.

Even with just 19 carries in his first three games, Gordon still
-Rushed for more yards as a Cowboy Sophomore than anyone else is school history.
-Led the country in rushing
-Was a first team All American
-Won the B12 Offensive Player of the Year Award
-won the Doak Walker Award
-Beat OU
Not bad for a sophomore…


For the life of me i have no idea what a few carries in the early games would have done. More then likely gordan would have got hurt and we would had no back.

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You’re right. Not bad at all. However, he carried the ball on average 20 times or more. Good luck with that if your intention is to limit his carries.

How do you know he would’ve gotten hurt? The less carries means the less risk he’s at being injured. So you’d rather lose than trying anything to win? Got it!!!

Moron we already had the less carries compared to what you want. I dnt know what you think gordan wasnt a 100 % at the end

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The OLine wasn’t settled in ., still had guys out and you want him to carry 30 times in games that didn’t mean squat really. He wasn’t beating USA by himself or Texas joy Only thing I want him to do is play and keep his mouth shut from jawing with everyone

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Who said anything about “the end”? I want to know why we didn’t give him the ball when we found ourselves down 16-0 against South Bama. Good things didn’t start happening until we increased OG’s carries.

Oh, so that game doesn’t mean squat to you, but you’re also the same guy that champions total wins over championships? Which one is it Mike? Is a win important or not?

Yea….theres a big difference between USA and Texas Einstein. I didn’t expect OSU to beat Texas, but I certainly don’t expect to get pounded 33-7, at home, to an average Sunbelt school. :clap:

More carries in the beginning would mean more beat up at the end. Its real simple. To bad about the Arkansas kid but, the Indiana kid will work. With the freshman.
You want to hit a dead horse

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How many times do @robert28 and I have to tell you you can only get so many carries in a season before you start breaking down It can even carry into the next season Yet here you are wanting a 30 carry game in game 3 with no OLine in place so he doesn’t get his clock cleaned Wake the hell up joy, quit arguing over chit from a year ago
Quit crying

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Less carries in a game were down 16-0 means we’re limiting whatever capabilities we might have of actually coming back and winning. It’s real simple.

I think it depends on the situation. If you’re down 16-0 you don’t hand the ball off to the best running back in America a total of three times. When your coaching staff thinks you’re good, then you don’t completely bench your weapon if you’re trying to win. Regardless of what your OL situation is looking like.

It’s called adjusting and improvising. Nobody said you need to run Ollie through a brick wall 30 times against South Bama. I know that only sounds ideal to the likes you, Bob, and Dunn. However, there’s other ways to get Ollie in space and let him do what he does best besides sticking to the three basic run plays South Bama had figured out by the second quarter. Of course, you have to actually put Ollie IN THE GAME in order for that to happen :man_shrugging:.

Look i know in your lil brian your making sense. But in reality, your not. If i remember correctly gordan fumbled in the usa game. That definitely wont get you carries.

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Stop making stuff up.

Have not @robert28 and I said the same thing to you over and over ? Yet here you come up with it
Yea your brain is fogged over
At that point in the year we would have been lucky to beat anyone. Clear that fog out joy

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