OSU Baseball: Cowboys Fall in Extra Innings to UCF 7-6, Face Quick Turn Around in Big 12 Tourney

Originally published at: https://pistolsfiringblog.com/osu-baseball-cowboys-fall-in-extra-innings-to-ucf-7-6-face-quick-turn-around-in-big-12-tourney/

The Cowboys fall in the wee hours of the morning.

This baseball tournament is such a joke. The schedule is insane. Any team in the bottom of the bracket is at such a disadvantage.

Only a joke if you lose. Win and it’s not a problem.

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I guess Coach was trying to steal a game by starting a pitcher that hadn’t played in weeks but that didn’t work. And what the guy thinking getting picked by the catcher when the pitch only dribbled a foot or two away with the best hitter at the plate?!? Oof….


How do you figure? UCF has won twice they will have two games finish after midnight in 3 days

Really wasn’t trying to steal a game. The thought process here is to get Garcia back to Friday and Holiday back to Saturday so they will be on normal rest for the regional tournament. It was a long game play not a try to win the tournament play in my opinion, and I personally am ok with that. This weekend doesn’t really matter. I’m sure Josh feels they have done enough to host so that was the play. We will see if it works out.

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Trying to save pitching for regionals. It’s best to lose now at this point for that same reason. We’re gonna be a regional host, but likely NOT a super, so best to save the better pitchers for regionals.

I wouldn’t even throw either of those guys the rest of the Big 12 tourney if I were him. Save them for regionals.

I’m just guessing that if you win, you stay on the top half of the bracket.

Disagree. Going from double elimination to single elimination in the same tourney is just dumb. It was dumb when it cost us a CWS years ago, and its dumb here. And I get that we may benefit from it. But its still dumb.

I’m probably wrong then. I can’t think straight and am having a really shitty day at work so far. Gonna push me back to drinking beer.

Nope. Whomever wins our game tonight, gets to lay really late tonight (I think).

But that would be an amazing concept to reward those that win. I wish they would start the tournament earlier in the week and spread it out. They don’t allow much grace for games going extra innings.

Hey guys, anyone else getting tired of the same late season results?
Losing to an 8 seed because of weak pitchers, it’s embarrassing. I think Josh is too competitive to not want to win the tournament. Not hosting a Super after this performance.
This program seems to be spinning it’s wheels, climbs so far and then gets stuck and can’t advance. We should dominate every game with the hitters we have. Gary Ward was able to do that. But Josh’s teams can’t cash in on the talent they have.
Chad, are you thinking what I’m thinking?
Remember Tommy Chesbro, good coach with fantastic dual match wins, but his teams couldn’t win the big one. Outsider replaces him and wins the big one.
Chad, do you want to do for Cowboy baseball what you did for Cowboy wrestling?
I’m ready for better results, and tired of the same happenings.

Josh is a good dude, but I’m tired of settling for mediocrity. Hopefully this fall is when Ryan Folmar comes home.

Also, Rob needs to go. Pitching “wizard” my fanny!

Some people share that sentiment about Rob for years.
A clean sweep is needed.
We all love Josh, but…
We need a standout head coach from the SEC.
Drop the emotional choices for former Cowboy players.
How many more seasons does Josh get?
While on the subject, golf team not doing much lately. Bo Jin the biggest bust. In all fairness, NIL bribery might be the reason for drop in talent in golf. Money to play college golf now more important than the winning tradition of the school.

Ground Hog Day

This thread got awfully quiet yesterday!