OSU Favored by Double Digits Over Arizona State in Week 2

First you dnt know what a hypocrite is. Gundy knows what he had. You are the one the thought anyone can play tempo. Yes your rite they had a lb out in the first game. Thats why they ony scored 13 points of 3 pics. Oh wait they didnt score anything of the 3 pics in scoring position. Yea talk about hypocrite. Joy you are the all time idiot. You keep talking i love it

I love the way you hate Oklahoma State. You’re a real dedicated piece of crap.

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Yes I do. You show it here on a daily basis.

And despite almost perfect defensive performances in both games you’re stuck on 17 passes straight :roll_eyes:. Not a single complaint about the chitty play calling.

I’m dedicated to winning championships and establishing a championship culture. Sorry if I’m not on board for the Alamo bowl and Cowboy Culture.

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Lol you must have ate your wheaties today your show of your ignorance well.
What bad play calls. Baylor had 7 pics in 2 games in scoring position and only scored 3 times. Yes the did do bad. Why would you call plays to go backeards. But, thats dave for you.

You are a moron gundy actually moved the ball. Baylor never got more then 300 a game. That my son(daughter) is a hypocrite on your part.

No, you’re a typical, ignorant fan and clown who just wants change and new blood all the time because it’s the most simple-minded, uncritical solution. We know this because you’re all over Boynton’s jock even though he’s never finished better than 5th in conference. He hasn’t even approached success or creating any kind of culture. After the new coach smell wears off, you’ll be like “hire someone new!” And rinse and repeat.

Sometimes new blood is needed. Gundy is still winning and competing in the most top-heavy college sport there is.

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If you have only won once, are you competing?

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Again you dnt comprehend words. Winning titles is not the only one competing. Two to tango. Its like you and your shovling you got to have the cows.

I haven’t used a shovel in years, I hired some halfwit with a mullet and bad tee shirt.

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Lol lol your as funny as your daughter ive been calling you jug for over a year. Now you saying this. Your fast jug. Im gald you dnt do more then shovel. Other job need a faster response.

I told you before,. My shop teacher in high school went by jug. I love the name.

No wonder it took you so long to come up with something. Your day dreaming about a 3 finger teach.
What did you have
1st band you playing triangle
2nd stundy hall
3rd wood shop good times
4th ffa
5th welding
6th intro. to shoveling chit.

No wonder you dream of titles. And cant do logic english or math.

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1st never hung around band. But I’m sure you was a flute boy.

2nd in my day, they taught reading, writing and arithmetic. The rest of the time I spent playing pony express with the girls.

For once I agree w/ you Joe. I had the final 38-30 but I really hope its not that close.

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LOLOLOLO @robert28 treating @ar1 like lunch meat

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We know pony express stable boy.

So you and jethro can both add up your knots. And yoi dnt sign your name with a X. You did great for all 3years of 4th grade.

I was their boyfriend.


Just remember it’s pure beef.

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