PFB+ Basketball Recruiting Thread 2.1 #LutzWork (Part 1)

I don’t know man, I scrolled through like a bunch of websites while I was poopin’ the other day and I’m pretty it’s all the vaxxes


This conversation is going nowhere good.


can you guys move this convo to R/RobertKennedyHasMyVote and out of this thread?


I still remember people blaming the Damar Hamlin thing on the vax when the dude got pulverized by a massive freak athlete at full speed right in his chest.


Pretty sure we’re on the same side here bud. Unless you’re planning on voting for the guy?

we are on the same side, just trying to prevent spiraling chaos ha


Well then I definitely misinterpreted that, I’m sorry. :joy:


And here I thought we got a commitment or something.


So how is our basketball recruiting looking?


Hope there is legitimate research going on with these. Don’t care about the political lines drawn.


Is it that there are more occurring or that more are being blown up on social media?


It’s understandable that people would want to talk about this. We’ve seen how these conversations go on here though. And it’s strayed pretty off topic for this thread. Everyone’s been mostly cool so far, but do we really wanna go down this road here?


It’s all just media cycles in my opinion. We had two high profile cases and now it’s on everyone’s radar so the media picks it up because it gets clicks. You see this phenomenon with many events. Shark bites famously went through this several years ago. Were there actually more shark bites? No. They just reported on them more.


And social media amplifies the occurrences.


As a physician who counseled people on these vaccines daily and has studied the literature extensively, I’ll chime in.

Young men are more likely to get myocarditis from the vaccine than COVID. About 1 in 5K men 16-24 get myocarditis but this depends on the vaccine (Moderna’s rate > Pfizer’s). However, COVID can do other things too so all in all COVID is still worse than the vaccine even at that age, but IMO it’s reasonable for someone to question the utility of the vaccine in a population with a rate of 1 in 5K for a population with a ~1 in 100K chance of death. There was data out of Canada that spreading the doses out beyond 8 weeks can decrease the incidence of myo to close to 1 in 50K to 1 in 100K. The CDC and ACIPs inaction for several months to not recommend spreading the doses out is a blight on their record IMO. This would make the risk/benefit profile far more favorable in this population.

With that said, one doesn’t not get myocarditis and then a year later drop dead from a heart related complication from the vaccine. Someone can definitely get myocarditis which leads to scar tissue in the heart which could potentially cause a sudden cardiac death down the line, but not if they don’t get myocarditis. Let’s also concede that just because sudden cardiac arrests are reported in the news more, does not mean that cardiac arrests are increasing. It’s a selection bias b/c the media is interested. One of the first cases where people started linking the vaccine to a cardiac arrest was a french soccer player. He later stated that he was unvaccinated.


I have no idea. It’ll take a while for medical journals to research it but hope and assume that’s happening.

On the health part I do because it relates to athletics. I’m also up for other reasons as to why it’s happening to perfectly healthy kids.

So how long would the vaccine take to wear off or can it in relation to this?

The signal of increased myocarditis by the various governing bodies around the world was within a couple weeks of receiving a dose. The highest I saw for this age group was like 1 in 1800. Certain media outlets are making it seem like every third young person is dropping from the vaccine 2 years later. It would be picked up on.


I’m also in the medical field and have seen the non-public Covid AE database. While the association statistics are worse than most report, I nonetheless concur with your assessment. Myocarditis is statistically higher in young men whether natural Covid or the vax. The real story that has not been fully reported from the data is the big uptick in resistant hypertension and cardiac hypertrophy that occurs several months to even year(s) after Covid or Covid vax and that is presently thought to be initiated by ACE2 and RAAS pathway. I’m not saying this is causing young sudden cardiac deaths but rather it could longer-term be more relevant than myocarditis across a broader range of age groups.

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