PFB+ Cowgirl Basketball

Have you ever listened to the front end introduction of Pistols Firing podcast with @CarsonCunningham ? In their opening, they have a clip of MB saying to his team before an OU game, “For many of you guys who aren’t from Oklahoma - Bernie you have no idea - we don’t like them. It’s personal!” I mean how much more anti-OU can you get without using 4-letter words? :laughing:

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9-5, 2 sweeps v. Swept once, beat them 3 times last year. 7-1 in the last 8, the loss was in OT. Hardly seems possible. I have considerable recency bias against him. Either that or he needs to figure out how to hate every team like that.


Exactly! Boynton treats Bedlam the way we all wish Gundy would.


Color me wrong then. However, blind squirrel/broken watch

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She definitely hates losing to them. She’s getting a lot of heat for this, but she addresses the crowd after every single game. Win or lose.

I’m sorry but this is hella cringy to me. Not her doing it, that’s whatever I guess. Just the scene of all our fans cheering as OU is walking off beating us. Imagine if BPS gave a loud roaring standing ovation to the football team after 2017 bedlam… :joy:

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Probably cheering because it’s the last time that OU steps on our floor for the foreseeable future. Hallelujah!


This is very main character.

“With all due respect, we have a logo too!”


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Pretty sure the cowgirls just lost another player to a season ending injury. Langerman is also out today. Hoyt is down to 6 players. Just an absolutely brutal season.

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Who is it with the potential season ending injury?

Girls playing tough despite a short bench!

Ebert, the mid season transfer.

The officiating is brutal in this game. I just started watching mid 3rd.

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Tough 1 point loss. We had a chance to win at the end.

Cowgirls finally back in the win column after beating Tech for the 10th straight time. Although it seemed like the refs wanted to help out Tech as much as possible. At least in the fourth quarter.



Looks like she commits on Friday


Ngl this is the first WBB recruiting graphic I think I’ve ever seen.


Oregon or Tennessee bound. To much money.