PFB+ Fantasy League

Can’t wait

Draft order is going to be randomized an hour before it starts, just FYI. So if Porter picks first just know he didn’t strong-arm me for it.


I’ll be there!

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Reminder for those in the “division 2” league that the draft is tonight at 7. Draft order is randomized an hour before the first pick.

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Thanks for the reminder! And for running commish duties! Woohoo!

This is awesome.

Also following the League 1 draft I’m definitely going to be relegated to league 2 next year. :see_no_evil:

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I’m not saying it’s going to happen because you took Baker as your QB. But if it happens because you took Baker, well, then so be it.

Yeah, who takes OU players?

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Checks Kyle B’s roster. Sees he has Kyler Murray as his starting QB

Good luck to everyone! Pro tip: don’t put a player that plays on Thursday in your Flex position

I thought I was gonna get burned on that myself. But Tarik Cohen fell forward into 12.9 points for me. I feel fortunate to have gotten that based on that ugly baby contest I watched.

My understanding is that game was what the kids are calling a “SEC Classic”


I would like my money back from that game last night. That is all. I wish it never happened!

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I’m a Packers fan so I’m okay with it

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A reminder for everyone that rosters LOCK at noon CT today and you cannot change your lineups after then. So make sure you’re happy with who is on your starting lineup before the first window of games today, and good luck!


or this might happen to you

Both of my fantasy teams would’ve fired their coaches today. Luckily I’m also the GM.


Cody Orr, Cary Ross: YOU’RE GOING DOWN!! #Week2StartsNow

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Well this week was… uh… rough