Pistol Pizza?

Was Pistol Pizza around when anyone else was at OSU? I used to think you couldn’t really screw up pizza, but Pistol Pizza tasted like a bathtub.


Was that the pizza place located in the Kerr-Drummond dorms?
If that was it, then I would say that it wasn’t the greatest, but you could use your meal plan there, which was a god send for a poor college student :sweat_smile:

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Yeah, it was in KD. I don’t think God sent those horrible heartburn Frisbees. You should’ve taken that meal plan to the Little Bakery, homie. I’ll admit, I got lured into that pizza-shaped catfish every few months once I recovered from the trauma and forgot what it did to my mouth.


I honestly don’t remember the Little Bakery (I was there from 97-02). Where was it at?

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Scott-Parker-Wentz. Should’ve been there at least by the time you left. I started in '01.


That’s probably why I don’t remember it. By that point I was living off campus.

I did the dorm thing the whole time.

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I was there '00-'04. Remember both.

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Man. We had a lot of overlap. I probably saw you walking around while Preacher Bob was screaming at the girls.


What building did you live in? I lived in Kerr 1st and 2nd years, then Patchin 3rd and 4th.

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Oh, no kidding? I was in Parker 1st year, then moved to Patchin for three years. Had changed majors, so had one more semester and went back to Parker.

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Whaaaaa? What floor? I was on the 3rd floor. <---- Patchin

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2nd, iirc. All the way at the end of the hall by the stairwell.

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LMAO, we were above you!! WE WERE ABOVE YOU! Wait, which side? The side facing the neighborhood behind the fence, or the side facing the university?

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Away from the university.

Ah, opposite side. You were under my friends.

Oh man Preacher Bob! That takes me back. :rofl:
The first two years I lived in Wilhelm South 5th floor.

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Wilham was getting knocked down while I was there. It was open the first year or so I was there.


Yeah man. It’s crazy how much the campus and town has grown/changed since I went to school there. Every time I’m in Stillwater for a game, it amazes me.