Poll: Can Rudolph pass Weeden in OSU lore with his NFL career?

Rusty Hilger says hold my :beer:


I don’t know who that is


Sometimes those “slants” where like 20-25 yards down the field and I’d call them lasers before I called them “slants”. I’m all for making Mason’s case, but I think saying Mason threw nukes and acting like the fastballs that Weeden threw inside the teeth of the defense were not comparable to the jump balls Mason threw is a terrible argument.


He was the OSU QB in 1983 and 1984 and then played for the LA Raiders. But he was not a better pro than Weeden. :joy:


I did not see the Bowman > Rudolph take appearing in this thread. Bowman has 1 year under his belt at OSU and had some definite ups and downs and will not ever sniff the NFL. I know you say that Bowman can throw the deep ball, but there is a reason that we are way down the list on yards per pass this season and it’s because Bowman is inaccurate on the deep ball. Easy win for Rudolph here.

-The record shows a loss to Central Michigan

-This is where you get out of your skis on stats. K-State was a ton of Rudy garbage time, prevent defense stats when KSU was up 42-20 (!) going into the 4th qtr. By the way, one of Mason’s two INTs led to a TD in the first half and a 28-13 halftime deficit.

On the flip side, Weeden’s 2011 defense gave up 45 points to KSU at home…then Weeden dropped 52 to win including a game-winning drive. Rudolph, down 5 with 2 minutes left, went 4-and-out.

-Rudolph completed 54% of his passes vs. TCU, including 2 picks in the second half, one leading to a TD. Maybe his OC lost trust in him.

-So he was out played by Seth Russell. Not good! Rudolph didn’t throw a TD with 279 and an INT and the offense scored 24. Against the same Baylor defense who gave up 35 to Texas, 62 to TCU, 45 to OU, 42 to KSU and 54 (!) to Tech.

There’s more to football than the final numbers. Seizing the moment is something Rudolph simply did not do. Weeden did in the biggest games, let alone against non-Big 12 title contenders.



Weeden had this GUY!!


I will not talk bad about Weeden. I refuse to. But he wasn’t great in Ames. And he won a Big 12 title against Laundry Bones (Landry Jones).

Rudy would’ve taken a dump on that OU team, too

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Rudy took an actual dump at home three times with a top 3-ranked team in the country.

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Actually Clint Chelf is the best OSU QB of all time


Now THIS is a spicier take. Chelf led two go-ahead drives in Bedlam and earn one Big 12 title only for the defense to give up last minute TDs. Now that’s a defense that let down his QB!


He also loses in Austin, Morgantown, and Lubbock without JW in 2015. He effectively got benched in all 3 of those games.

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Clint Chelf’s whole career he was essentially forced to play with one arm tied behind his back. The dude was hamstringed at every turn.


Bad defense bails Chelf out but not Rudy?

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Was in fact benched in Austin in 2015.

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Rudy was losing in all of those games due in large part to his play. Chelf went and scored when the chips were down!

You’re right. I guess Rudolph’s play was only good for 13,618 passing yards (school record), 92 passing touchdowns (school record) and 32 wins as a starter (school record).

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This battle is eternal.


Me watching this video spurred this whole discussion:


Look at my comment a few posts after this one. Lol