Pros and Cons of Oklahoma State's New Football Uniforms

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The OSU-Nike collaboration hit a home run once again.

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Is it that slow or am i missing the importance of uniforms.
Could do a way to early break down of our opponents. If your bored.

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Breaking news of a brand new uniform release vs. something that can be done over the next four months hmmmmmm…

Great breakdown, Cox! Looks like Nike had time to correct the Northwestern style stripes on the sleeves - the width didn’t look quite right on the 2018 throwbacks for homecoming. They are perfect now.

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Probably saving that for when the spring sports have concluded.

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No more grey is not a con.

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Ok how about the fact the girls golf team made nationals.
Uniforms get 2 and an actual sport news get none.

Anyway i was meaning an expanded articles over each team. Not 1 article over them all. Its is the end of spring there should be some movement to talk about.

Are yoi guys still posting pods?

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I’m glad the gray is gone. Sometimes, I would turn on a game and think, is this the CFL?

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I wouldn’t care if we wore bras for chest padding and panties as a helmet. What are we doing about getting closer to a conference title?


We let Nike design the uniforms?
Have they worked in subliminal messages?


Thats what i would like. A rundown of all teams and what they recruited and lost in the portal do one a week or every so many days till August gets here. Have something for us to give opinions on :cowboy_hat_face:

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We will be talking about socks soon.

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I kept asking, what did gray have to do with orange and black?
When I took Color and Design course at OSU we used the color wheel . Quite a stretch to think that gray relates in any way to our school colors.
Bad enough that the basketball team wears turquoise uniforms.
I like hearing the news about new uniforms. But the excitement over it is over the top.
Much ado about nothing.
More worthy news is just how surprisingly bad our men’s golf team is this season.
Did Robert 28 take a recent English 101 class? His comments above lack his usual broken English format leaving us to wonder which foreign country he resides in.

I like the turquoise basketball uniforms. They are honoring Native Americans, which is fine with me. You live in Oklahoma and don’t have Native blood at least a little you probably came from out of state :joy: maybe a foreign country :grin:. Like all of us other than Natives didn’t come from across the pond :roll_eyes:


Nike worked with a lot of teams for a while to incorporate gray as an alt. uniform - I’m sure it increased sales for Nike, too. Gray is also a neutral color that can be applied to any team, which is why historically gray is used for away baseball uniforms and white for home.
Also if you looked at the branding guide for OSU, and noticed the logo they used beginning in 2001, gray is in both. So gray was technically a school color up until the rebrand in 2019. OSU typically renews uniforms every 5 years but due to covid that was delayed, which is why we say gray linger around for a bit after the rebrand.

I’m calling it now: Homecoming throwbacks will go burnt orange, the color used during my time in Stilly. I hated it, and love America’s brightest orange, but hey throwbacks are throwbacks.

The gray $ucked, pants, jerseys and lids. Should’ve went with silver instead of the drab gray they used. The light gray at oSu’s official site is close to silver: Colors | Oklahoma State University

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Not much if they don’t improve the O-line and come up with better plays. Still waiting for at least 10 passes in the middle of the field on average. Playbook hasn’t changed much at all…little wonder it doesn’t take much imagination to defend our offense, opposing coaches watch film.

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You misspelled UT puke brown, LOL.

@michael13 You’re mistaken, Native Americans mostly came from Siberia/Asia. So they did indeed cross a pond, but there was a land bridge so didn’t technically.

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I was told that I lived a past life in Siberia. Not sure if I walked from there to Oklahoma. Regardless, gray not a good look when your colors are Princeton tigers orange and black.