Originally published at: https://pistolsfiringblog.com/report-gundys-new-contract-includes-involvement-in-donor-activities-groundwork-for-succession-plan/
The contract also includes a $1 million pay reduction and a reduced buyouy.
The only part of the new contract that I’m not a fan of is requiring him to be involved with donor activities. Making him something he doesn’t want to do is only going to make for an awkward situation with our donors and that’s not something you want when asking for money.
Did he go 9-3 ?
Man they really put some teeth in the new deal didn’t they?
I’m fine with Gundy remaining, but look at the transformation of our wrestling team after a legendary coach left. If we don’t have the money to buy good enough players, maybe we could attract better talent if we get a new head coach who has won a slew of championships? That’s not a guaranteed blueprint for success if we look at Mack Brown, for example. Cowboys are screwed either way without enough payola. Maybe they can discover oil on campus?
I don’t expect him to be involved with donor activities. I just expect him to not waste whatever money we do get from the donors. He already did it with Boone. Last thing we need to do is continue pissing off our remaining donors. You need to bring in a consultant that’s excellent at selling what they have. Not someone that openly talks trash to his fanbase and goes winless in the conference. Gundy isn’t that kind of guy, and he never will be.
Gundy can be engaging and lose the ego when he wants to. He knows he’s going to have to be now with money the main driving force going forward. If he doesn’t compete for the top of the league he’s gone. He knows that
He wants to keep that 6 million coming in
Didn’t he just say two years ago we are in better shape than we ever have been? What gives? Going to have to run him out with a swat team. Explain to me how you have continued success year in and year out without the money that we don’t have gundy. It has 0.0 to do with building culture anymore. This guy just talks in a circle more than Kamala Harris.
You might feel good but you’ve lost everything that got you here
Thats part of his job when he isnt coaching. He is the face of Cowboy football whether he likes it or not and its partially his responsibility to raise money. Your argument would be like a CFO going to the investors and board and saying I dont want to prepare or present financial reports…(thats a CFOs job). He has been fortunate enough to not have to do any leg work in the past due to Holder running that show and taking most of it away from Gundy because he lived doing it so much!
“Im not a fan of requriing him to be involved with donor activities” @adam4 Is 100% correct. Thats his job. Every coach in the country has a requirement to do things like this. They also get compensated for it. There is not a coach out there that is above doing stuff like this, especially in the NIL era. If Gundy doesnt do it, its also a violation of his contract, which would be a fireable offense. Quite frankly, im shocked this verbiage wasnt in the contract before
Ill put it this way. We always put the cart before the horse. We were late to the facilities race which has put us behind in NIL and soon to come revenue share. We should be putting facilities on hold and putting any of the raised funds into NIL and revenue share. No decent coach is gonna want to come inherit a school that has no money to get good players…Lutz being a perfect example. He’s the best we could get. When we went all in on football, we buried the basketball program under the arena with very little air to breathe. Were weren’t a football school then and we aren’t now and probably never will be. But it didnt stop Holder from burying solid athletic programs to do it. We at least corrected the ship and sold out the books to get DT in wrestling so we are good there. But now its the Hollidays turn…another weak-link that needs to go if they don’t make the college world series this year.
This is not my fight, but its an interesting discussion.
I completely agree that facilities now should take a backseat to NIL. Players are asking for cash first. Not facilities.
Where I will completely disagree is on the “When we went all in on football, we buried the basketball program under the arena with very little air to breathe”. Go find me a basketball program in the Big 12, thats not named Kansas, that makes any money? What does one have to do to become what you consider “a football school”? You complain about pumping money into the realm of the absolute revenue maker (football) and want to rave about Wrestling? Yes, I know OSU wrestling is very good. But so is OU Gymnastics. Nobody cares. Those programs could both go away and the bottom line of each University wouldnt change one iota. We can disagree on Holliday, which is fine. But building a $60 million dollar baseball facility was the bad investment
When Holder talked Boone into the multi million dollar contribution Rustoleum stadium was an eyesore. Kids were into facilities back then. It was needed anyway. We make money in basketball when Eddie was here but yes anyone not Kansas doesn’t make money in basketball. Lutz wasn’t the first choice, he got a late start and has a ragtag bunch he had to gather up just to have a roster. Give him a year or two to get his players. He’s been successful all the other places he’s been
I will wait to comment on Josh, the guy gets it in the regular season but he’s been crap in regionals since our last CWS appearance
I find the Josh Holliday discussion pretty comical. The people that want him gone for lack of success will then turn around and say they dont want to fire Gundy becuase hes been loyal and are afraid to hire a guy who will be good and then just leave. Josh and Mike have basically the same resume and love for OSU. But one is a great dude, who cares about OSU and his program/players. The other is Mike Gundy