Social Reacts: Players, Former Players on Hubbard's Stand against Gundy Shirt

I don’t know how the ads are generated. I am not a registered voter and avoid most politics because of their insanity. I am not bashing PFB for having a Trump ad. Just thought it was interesting.

I have largely supported Gundy when others haven’t. In this situation I think Gundy should take this opportunity to hear his players out. I definitely think Gundy needs to learn from this situation. I hope the team has a good discussion and they come out of this stronger as a unit. Gundy needs to listen to understand and I think he will learn something and be a better off going forward.

It’s “you’re.”

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This is not about political views but basic common sense. No one in the kind of position Mike Gundy is in would even think about wearing an inflammatory symbol in OAN specially given majority of his team is Black. Sometimes you cannot help with who you are. But when you get paid $5.2 million a year and that paycheck is dependant on getting the best athletes who happen to be mostly black, you have to at least try to use some basic common sense in how you conduct yourself. Think how other coaches will use this episode against Gundy in recruiting battles for years to come. If the University finds that MG is holding back the football program because the best athletes are lured elsewhere, then unfortunately MG will get fired. No one is bigger than the university and MG needs to understand that.

Jeramy, you’re getting really agitated at me but I don’t have a beef with you. I’ve never seen so much as a clip from OAN, and I don’t know much about it. Kyle was trying to stir up controversy by pointing out the shirt. There’s a good possibility that Chuba never would have seen that or noticed that had he not pointed it out. Now, if Gundy is a bigot, why did Chuba and Tylan come back? Why did coach Dunn come back?

About the cops, that’s a whole different issue. But trying to tie Gundy, wearing an OAN shirt, while fishing, to cops murdering black people,… now that’s mental gymnastics.

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“I stand with my brothers… don’t love me in a jersey if you not going to stand for my beliefs… This isn’t “The Cowboy Culture” we preach about!”

There is nothing legally saying I HAVE to stand for your beliefs. I can have a different perspective on things and still not dislike you. That is called agree to disagree respectfully. That is the problem with social media. These people don’t know how to communicate with anyone in person and have a reasonable and logical dialogue on anything.

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Aging you are putting the sole promblem of blacks on the 2020 generation that has been removed from that and still no progress for the blacks so they say.The main problem that is the root now in 2020 Is they had a whole generation to change it and nobody is changing the fact that their aren’t two parents in the house hold and a lot of the times it grandma or he’ll even a coach. If blacks don’t change them selves then the next generation will be fighting the same fight. You really are a white shamer! In other words clean your own backyard before telling someone else to clean up theirs. I hope young black men really try to advocate to being a dad and stressing family.

Just kids that aren’t wise enough to really grasp everything right now and it’s sad that we are shamed into a kids prospective and act like he right. His statement is what a dictator would say to his people but here aging just don’t understand the respect of others beliefs which is counterproductive to what he is fighting for “equality” they really need to take a class on how and what to say to protest because I just look at this and from him it’s…me,me,me,me. Good luck fighting stupidity


I’m so frustrated with this topic to the point of embarrassment. For Coach Gundy you ask? Not at all. Frankly I don’t see where an apology is even warranted, except from Chuba Hubbard to the University, the fans and to Coach Gundy for boycotting the University that is giving him a huge opportunity, for demanding outright censorship of his coach’s wardrobe and censorship of what news media outlet Coach may refer to for his own due diligence simply because Chuba doesn’t agree with either one. THIS IS NOT OKAY PEOPLE! Has everyone lost their mind? Since when is it required to please all the people all the time? Are we really at the crossroads where we all have to agree with each other to coexist?

I’m embarrassed for OSU and Chuba that he has chosen to enter the big stage and fight the good-fight, for the whole world to see, over a fishing shirt. Really? What makes him any better by boycotting and demanding censorship over simple God given sovereign inalienable rights to freedom protected by the United States Constitution? It’s immature and ignorant, both of which can be fixed through education. Wow, what a novel concept, education at a university.

I digress, it is not okay to for an 18-21 year old, or ANYONE for that matter to do what Chuba is doing. I even heard him say tonight, “I’ll just have to educate him…” Really? You, Chuba Hubbard will educate Coach Gundy…on what? How to look foolish? Okay, you did that, now move on and grow up. If you are offended by a t-shirt promoting a news outlet Coach Gundy has no control over the content or delivery method…I have news for you…put on your big boy panties because you’re just getting started in life and will probably never experience what your ancestors experienced prior to the abolishment of slavery. Do I mean you won’t experience racism? No, that is not what I said. In fact, every person on this blue marble today has or will experience at least one episode of racism in their lifetime…and that really sucks. But it doesn’t give anyone the right to force their agenda on someone because you don’t agree with their stance. You become no better than the opinion for which you disagree.

Am I making any sense here people or am I just blowing in the wind? It is okay that Chuba dislikes the ad on the shirt or even the website, I have no problem with him exercising this right. It crosses the line demanding approval, censorship and not having the right to not share his beliefs. We are not robots, yet. What we are, is a sovereign nation becoming The Divided States of America. And it is only going to get worse because people refuse to wake up, instead they want to make an issue over their Coach doing what? For waking up around sunrise, on his day off mind you, admitting little thought as to what was on the shirt (which there is nothing wrong with). The shirt worn for the following purposes; 1) to cover his middle-aged torso from sun-burn, 2) to serve as nature’s air conditioner for the day, 3) serve as a rag to wipe fish guts and bait off of his hands and 4) to wipe face and hands free of food and drink remnants…PERIOD! All while spending quality time with his kids, bonding and educating on a simple survival method to feed his family. To me this is asinine, when the focus should be on abuse of power, dominance and control and recent lives lost as a result, regardless of race. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely!

Why can’t we all stand unified during the National Anthem, arm-in-arm in a show of solidarity, pride and respect for veterans’ sacrifices of blood, time and life to protect our freedoms? Just because you say kneeling during the National Anthem is not disrespectful, does not give amnesty from it actually disrespecting someone. Because some feels disrespected by the kneeling does not make them a bad person, does not make them a racist, does not make them insensitive to change, does not make them ignorant of the kneeling protest. For many, myself included, it’s bad timing that I can’t understand. We are all looking for a way to say "I hear your frustration, I validate your frustration, I too am frustrated, though we may disagree on issues I do not hate you, in fact I love you for your differences, I stand beside you and support you, take my hand in yours so that for a moment we become as one, let us belt out the National Anthem boldly, loudly, show all nations though we may have differences we can briefly come together as brothers and sisters for what that moment is intended for. Protest anything you want at any time, just not at that moment. I protest the timing of your protest by asking for two Patriots whom are either saluting or pledging to stand in front of the kneeler and block them from view without contact. This will be called the Timing Protest 2020. My point is, if one’s actions are offensive to someone, then it’s offensive regardless if you say it is or isn’t. It is not okay for you to tell me that I’m not offended and for that I don’t understand, that I don’t promote change, that I don’t listen and hear what you are saying…if you want change you must also hear what I am saying. Because when it comes right down to it, if heard it, I’m now tired of feeling forced to hear it, without logical reasoning and proposals to make it better. You want change, then change it, why do I have to change what you don’t agree with. How about being responsible for your actions and I’ll be responsible for mine without infringing on anyone’s rights or freedoms.