Stillwater, USA - Still Pioneering

I live on the west side of town, and you all know my affinity for Chick Fil A, which is on the east side of town. It’s gotten significantly less fun getting CFA.


The intersection of 12th and Perkins is no joke!

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Driving down Hall of Fame takes like 30 minutes depending on lights. I’m probably overexaggerating, but it doesn’t feel like it.

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Turn left onto Sanger at the intersection on highway 51. You can take it north to McElroy and avoid the worst of campus.

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Man. Hall of Fame for me was like, a minute.

But I like driving by the stadium. Every time I think about an alternate route, I think to myself “7-year-old Marshall would’ve taken every chance he gets to drive by OSU’s football stadium.”


7 year old Marshall didn’t know the pain of getting stuck at the same light three times



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I’m on the west side too. I’m that guy on the south end of Walnut always messing around in his garage with power tools. Currently building shelves.


If it makes you feel better I live off of Perkins and work on the west side of town, so every morning I get up and drive through traffic.

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Traffic. :rofl: :joy: :laughing:

From the person that lives in the Houston metro area.


I concur.

I lived on the NE side of town and worked on the west side of town also. I had to go through all of those stupid lights through 3rd trying to avoid 6th, and one day a sorority chick ran a red light and absolutely smoked me. But I got a free day off work, and a new car out of it so :+1:t2:

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Aren’t they like your daughters age? :rofl:

They were trying to buy that land in front of the west side Wal-Mart a couple of years ago.

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Add another lane! It’ll fix the issue!

  1. I don’t have a daughter. I have one son. He’s 10.
  2. The girls on campus would still be too young, so I see the point you are getting at.
  3. I was trying to focus more on the mom’s of those daughters. They don’t get enough credit.



Thank you, sir.


That’d be heavenly.

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