Taking the temperature on Team Trill

Also for those who don’t remember, Kenny was the TCU QB during the ill-fated 2017 OSU season. He may not have been a great QB, but he was trill enough to derail the entire season for OSU.

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Sorry if someone already commented on it and I missed it. But is no one else bothered by “temperate” vs “temperature” in the thread title?


Extremely bothered


One might say hot and bothered


I missed the game this weekend. Hubs offered last minute beach trip…so we went to Isle of Palms.

Is it worth watching the 4th quarter even though I know what happened? :crazy_face:

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I would start at about mid-3rd quarter.

Or, if you like to abuse yourself, go ahead and watch from mid-1st quarter on.

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Start mid 1st. First time I’ve ever seen a College QB run scared from a defender… Well at least in person.

Geez Louise! I saw Twitter…it was bad enough. :laughing:

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I disagree, watch it all… Just only watch the defensive possessions from mid 1st quarter through mid 3rd quarter, fast forward through the offensive possessions.


Of course I could be completely wrong about this, but I feel like being able to throw the ball away before running out of bounds shouldn’t really be that difficult…shouldn’t the QB having run out of bounds be synonymous with “throw it away”. Unless they are just completely clueless as to where the scrimmage line is when they start taking off and think they are actually past it, which then leads to another issue that needs to be addressed.